In Uganda, extreme weather is causing a rippling effect throughout the country. Intense droughts have brought more than just a dry spell, as food prices have skyrocketed, The Observer reports.
What's happening?
Experts say food prices in Uganda have surged due to poor weather conditions. According to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), prices of key crops, such as green peppers, dry beans, and tomatoes, have increased.
However, The Observer emphasizes one crop in particular: green pepper. Per the CPI report, the price drastically increased by 17.2%. This significant price increase "is largely due to unfavorable weather conditions," UBOS head of economic statistics Samuel Echoku explained to The Observer.
"The recent dry spell has affected crop yields, reducing the availability of fresh produce in markets across the country, and consequently driving up prices," he told The Observer.
Why are rising food prices important?
Increasing food prices put a strain on local households. In Uganda, the prices of fresh crops have been most affected by the dry spell, forcing locals to "adjust their spending habits," per The Observer.
The increasing cost of food is also a consequence of rising global temperatures. As countries continue to utilize dirty energy and release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, the planet warms, which causes more extreme weather events. The changing climate affects farmers trying to yield successful harvests and meet food supply demands.
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What's being done about the impact of extreme weather on food?
In the short term, Ugandan households are trying to find cheaper food options, sticking to products that haven't been as affected by price increases, such as maize flour and rice.
For businesses, however, it's been challenging to "absorb increased costs without significantly raising prices," The Observer reports.
To adapt to unpredictable weather, farmers are changing the crops they grow and experimenting with different growth techniques.
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