Sustainable marketing solutions that really work in the real world

At The Cool Down, we've built the world's largest and most engaged community of people who want to make more sustainable lifestyle choices โ€” 30 million unique monthly users and counting. 

Our brand activation opportunities across newsletter, web, and social offer unmatched access to a highly qualified audience of your likely customers. And our insights about their wants, needs, and personal consumer journeys make us uniquely equipped to help you speak โ€” and sell โ€” sustainability to mainstream audiences. 

With TCD, you get the platform and intelligence you need to drive relevance and revenue. Stop relying on what research subjects say in focus groups and start building your strategy around what people actually do in TCD's real-world, real-time ecosystem of sustainable consumers.

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Ready to take your sustainable marketing efforts to the next level? Our customizable solutions suite marries our proprietary GreenScreen data stack with a highly qualified audience of likely adopters across three tiers of partner offerings: TCD Studios, TCD Labs, and TCD IQ.

Brand activation the easy way

Drive awareness, engagement, and conversion by activating against TCD's massive multiplatform audience through newsletter placements, custom content, ad buys, and lead-gen campaigns. Depending on your objective, you can opt for impression, click, or lead guarantees to hit your numbers with people who matter.

Real-world audience testing

Stress-test strategies, initiatives, and messages with your most likely customers before bringing them to market. Labs packages use in-the-wild polls and A/B tests to surface real-world insights about consumer sentiment, market potential, and the effectiveness of multiple messaging variants in reaching, engaging, and converting your audience.

Market insights that matter

Get data-driven analysis of market trends and interviews with key industry leaders from our free Business Edition newsletter. And when you're ready to dig even deeper, our IQ library offers curated digests of consumer data and case studies around specific market sectors, demographics, and customer journeys to help shape your strategy and messaging.

The Cool Down is a vital partner for anyone marketing or communicating about sustainability.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your objectives. We'll reach out to start discussing solutions in 1-2 business days.