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Researchers forecast concerning wildfire conditions in coming decades: 'Even regions with a temperate climate will need to prepare'

Regions that historically have not had to worry much about wildfires will need to start preparing for this growing threat.

Regions that historically have not had to worry much about wildfires will need to start preparing for this growing threat.

Photo Credit: iStock

Wildfires are about to become everyone's problem, according to Phys.org.

Even if you live in an area where the current wildfire risk is very low, rising global temperatures could cause the danger to skyrocket to high levels by 2100, according to alarming new research.

What's happening?

A study published in the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences found that the potential danger of wildfires will exceed natural climate fluctuations starting in 2040.

This means the increased wildfire risk can be attributed to human-induced warming from that point forward.

For example, in the Bavarian Alpine Foreland, the wildfire danger is projected to rise rapidly from the current low level to high by 2100. A weather-related wildfire event that currently occurs only once every 60 years could happen every 10 years on average by 2090.

"Even regions with a temperate climate will need to prepare for wildfires in the future," said Julia Miller, a Ph.D. student who authored the study.

Such preparations could include building water reservoirs for firefighting helicopters and installing warning signs to alert residents about the danger.

Why is increased wildfire risk concerning?

More frequent and intense wildfires pose serious risks to communities, wildlife, and the environment. As conditions become hotter and drier, vegetation dries out faster, making it easier for fires to ignite and spread out of control.

The study predicts that the number of days with "high" wildfire danger will more than double by 2100. This means regions that historically have not had to worry much about wildfires will need to start preparing for this growing threat.

Wildfires destroy homes, force evacuations, and put lives at risk. They also release large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air. Fragile ecosystems and wildlife populations suffer severe damage that takes decades to recover from.

What's being done about wildfires?

Although the accelerating risk of wildfires is alarming, we can pursue solutions to protect our communities and environment:

  • Reducing global pollution is critical for limiting temperature rise and curbing the threat of worsening wildfires in the long run. Supporting clean energy and making your home and lifestyle more energy efficient are key ways to help.
  • Careful land management through prescribed burns, thinning dense vegetation, and creating fire breaks helps control the spread of wildfires and make them less catastrophic.
  • Having an evacuation plan and maintaining an emergency supply kit keeps your family safe in the event a wildfire threatens your area.

By taking action now to prepare for worsening wildfires and limit the pollution that is fueling them, we can protect the people and places we love from this growing danger.

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