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Scientist warn major factor could push marine creature over brink of extinction: 'I want to make sure that we protect and conserve'

"We need to minimize our detrimental impacts."

"We need to minimize our detrimental impacts."

Photo Credit: iStock

This animal may go extinct due to human causes, but we have the power to change that.

What's happening?

Our oceans are warming, and it's having a detrimental impact on marine life. Coral reefs are bleached, mollusks can't build their shells, and whale sharks are running out of food.

Phys.org describes a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment on whale sharks and warming waters, which found that "warming oceans would increase metabolic rates and energy needs of the whale shark, while simultaneously depleting its food sources."

Not only do warmer waters mean that whale sharks have to expend more energy and require more food, but rising temperatures kill off zooplankton, the main food source for whale sharks.

Why are whale sharks important?

Dr. Samantha Reynolds told Phys.org that "whale sharks have been around for millions of years, but now, thanks to humans, they are endangered."

Whale sharks are often killed for their meat and fins, and they are also accidentally killed by ship propellers. Galapagos Whale Shark Project estimates that 6,000 to 8,000 whale sharks are killed every year.

Nature is a delicate balance, and when animals become endangered or go extinct, entire ecosystems are disrupted.

What's being done to protect whale sharks?

Dr. Reynolds believes the whale sharks can be saved. "I want to make sure that we protect and conserve them so that they continue to fulfill their important role in the world's oceans, and future generations can experience the wonder of swimming with the world's biggest fish," she said.

Conservation programs, such as the Marine Megafauna Foundation's Global Whale Shark Research & Conservation Program, exist to track, study, and protect whale sharks. 

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If you want to help, you can donate money to climate causes.

"We need to minimize our detrimental impacts and find ways to have positive impacts on our planet," Dr. Reynolds said.

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