• Outdoors Outdoors

Bystander captures frustrating scene as national park tourists get dangerously close to wild bear: 'Why do they act like it's Disneyland?'

"We've never seen so many stopped in the middle of the road and out of their cars as this summer!"

"We've never seen so many stopped in the middle of the road and out of their cars as this summer!"

Photo Credit: Instagram

A recent Instagram video captures a dangerous encounter between a tourist and wildlife at a national park.

The video, posted by TouronsOfYellowstone (@touronsofyellowstone), shows a visitor who abandoned his car on a busy two-lane road to snap a close-up photo of a black bear. This reckless behavior not only put the tourist's life at risk, but also caused a significant traffic jam.

"Step AWAY from the bear, touron!!" the caption warns, using the term "touron" — a cross between "tourist" and "moron" — to describe the visitor's ill-advised actions.

This incident highlights a growing problem in national parks: visitors prioritizing social media moments over safety and respect for nature. Such behavior can have serious consequences for both humans and wildlife.

Getting too close to wild animals, especially bears, can be life-threatening. Bears may attack if they feel threatened, potentially leading to injury or death for the person involved.

Moreover, these encounters can be stressful for the animals, disrupting their natural behaviors and potentially leading to their euthanization if they injure a human — even if provoked.

The abandoned car blocking traffic is another major concern. It not only inconveniences other visitors but also poses a safety hazard on the narrow park roads. Emergency vehicles could be delayed in reaching those in need due to such thoughtless actions.

This video serves as a stark reminder of our responsibility when visiting natural areas. We must prioritize safety, respect wildlife from a distance, and follow park rules to preserve these spaces for future generations.

Commenters lamented the video subject's recklessness.

"I am going to run for President on the platform that ALL National Park visitors have to pass an IQ test prior to gaining entry to the Parks," one wrote.

"Why do they all act like it's DISNEYLAND????" another exclaimed.

A third lamented, "We've never seen so many stopped in the middle of the road and out of their cars as this summer — it's crazy!"

Let's work together to protect our natural wonders. When visiting national parks on vacation, remember to keep a safe distance from wildlife, obey traffic rules, and prioritize the well-being of both animals and fellow visitors — and encourage others to do the same.

By doing so, we can ensure these incredible spaces remain safe and accessible for everyone to enjoy.

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