• Outdoors Outdoors

Tesla driver shares frustrating video after leaving car at EV charging station: 'They even knew it was recording'

"And still epically failed."

"And still epically failed."

Photo Credit: Getty Images

People who intentionally damage Teslas or inconvenience their drivers are getting wise to the fact that the brand's cars come with multiple cameras attached. Still, some apparently aren't being wise enough.

A Tesla driver posted footage of an incident recorded by their car's cameras in which two people approached the vehicle and unplugged its charging cable while the battery was getting some juice. They also did the same to the neighboring Ford. 

However, one of the individuals didn't quite cover their face in time, allowing the Tesla owner to get a decent identifying image

"They even knew it was recording," the stunned Tesla owner captioned the video footage. "And still epically failed." 

Unfortunately, this isn't the only time a Tesla driver has caught someone in the act. People have been filmed purposefully scratching a vehicle's bodywork, while another has been caught throwing things towards a moving Tesla

Tesla's — and electric cars in general — offer numerous benefits to vehicle owners, but some people just haven't gotten the memo. EVs are much cheaper to refuel, require less maintenance thanks to fewer moving parts, and do not produce any planet-warming emissions when on the move. 

Even when considering the environmentally damaging mining required to extract precious metals for battery construction, this activity is still better than the vast drilling and extraction of dirty fuels needed to power internal combustion engine cars. 

But actions like the ones detailed here discourage people from making their next car an EV. We have to reduce the planet-warming emissions produced by the vehicle sector, which make up 28% of the total warming gases produced by the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Moving away from gas-guzzling cars is one way to do so. 

One commenter on Reddit was baffled by what they saw. "I don't get it," they began. "All you're doing is causing someone a minor inconvenience. They can just plug it back in when they get the alert on their phone that it was disconnected."

🗣️ When you think about owning an EV, what concerns you most about public charging stations?

🔘 Chargers not working 🚫

🔘 Chargers not being available 😥

🔘 Charging being too expensive 💰

🔘 Charging taking too long ⌚

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

Another suggested a simple addition that can stop this from happening in the future. "This is why you use a Karen lock," they said.

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