• Outdoors Outdoors

Groups sound alarm over proposal to build new Canadian ski resort: 'It's outrageous'

"The B.C. government and the minister responsible for recovering the near-extinct … population have so far remained silent."

"The B.C. government and the minister responsible for recovering the near-extinct ... population have so far remained silent."

Photo Credit: Bridal Veil Mountain Resort

The spotted owl may be harder to spot in Canada if a proposal to build a ski resort in its habitat goes through. 

What's happening?

In an open letter, Cheam First Nation and the Wilderness Committee are urging the British Columbia government to protect a designated Wildlife Habitat Area inhabited by the spotted owl from any construction.

The goal of these organizations is to stop the proposal to build Bridal Veil Mountain Ski Resort, which includes plans to stick two gondola runs through Elk Creek. As of now, the government has remained silent on the issue.

"It's outrageous the B.C. government and the minister responsible for recovering the near-extinct spotted owl population have so far remained silent about the Bridal Veil Mountain Ski Resort proposal," Wilderness Committee's Protected Areas Campaigner Joe Foy said. "From the get-go, they should have said there is no way this ski resort can ever move forward — and absolutely not in a wildlife habitat area. They need to speak up now loud and clear."

Why is protecting the spotted owl habitat important?

The spotted owl is the most endangered species of bird in Canada. If the construction of the ski resort goes through, the bird will lose even more of its habitat.

Additionally, this issue of destroying habitats extends beyond Canadian borders. In Indonesia, the maleo bird is at risk of extinction due to construction activities that disrupt their nesting grounds and natural habitat. 

Protecting these areas helps preserve the species that live in them and maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems. Natural habitats also benefit humans, as they promote pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration. Disrupting them with construction risks losing these natural processes, which can lead to increased pollution and contribute to the Earth's overheating.

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What's being done about the spotted owl habitat?

Cheam First Nation has proposed a smaller gondola run, the Cascade Skyline Gondola, that avoids the owl's habitat. However, the organization has been waiting for its approval for many years.

It is their hope that through the open letter, the government and minister Nathan Cullen of Water, Land and Resource will openly block the construction of the invasive Bridal Veil Mountain Ski Resort in the spotted owl's area.

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