• Outdoors Outdoors

Snowboarder issues PSA after spotting concerning trend among tourists: 'It's something you should do everywhere'

"It's an easy thing to do."

"It's an easy thing to do."

Photo Credit: iStock

A snowboarder noticed a blatant show of disregard for the natural environment and rightfully called out the perpetrators.

The Redditor took to the r/snowboarding subreddit and declared: "This is a public service announcement. If you see trash, pick it up." The post included a photo of a crushed plastic bottle and an aluminum can lying on otherwise pristine snow.

"It's an easy thing to do."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Some of our mountains are starting to look like a trash heap and it's unacceptable," the OP added.

The lack of regard for the environment was likely the result of a "touron," a term that combines "tourist" and "moron" and is often used to describe tourists who engage in reckless or thoughtless behavior, especially when it comes to wildlife and natural areas. It's important to respect and protect the environment so everyone can fully enjoy the natural world together.

Littering in natural areas, including ski and snowboarding resorts, is a major problem that affects not only the beauty of these places but also the local wildlife and ecosystem. Plastic litter can break down into tiny fragments, causing severe harm when ingested by animals. The TrashBlitz research platform has helped find more than 8,000 pieces of trash in national parks, with 66% containing plastic.

If you're passionate about keeping snowy mountains and other natural areas clean, there are several ways you can help. Organizing or participating in community cleanups can make a big difference. By setting an example by picking up litter and encouraging others, you can contribute to preserving these pristine environments for future generations to enjoy.

Commenters were glad the OP called out the upsetting trend.

"Thank you! I will never understand why people think it's ok to litter," one user wrote. "Just hang onto your trash (like, in your pocket) until you're in the vicinity of a damn trash can!"

"100% support this," another user commented. "It's an easy thing to do and it's something you should do everywhere."

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