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Researchers use satellite technology to predict catastrophic river changes: '[They] continue to threaten millions of people today'

"Understanding and predicting avulsions has never been more critical."

"Understanding and predicting avulsions has never been more critical."

Photo Credit: iStock

A new study reveals changes in river patterns that will have catastrophic effects for millions worldwide, according to an article published in Science Daily. Researchers have found key insights that help scientists better understand river avulsions.

What's happening?

A team of researchers at Indiana University developed a method for predicting when and where rivers may suddenly change course. This natural phenomenon is known as a river avulsion, and it happens when a river abruptly abandons its current flow pattern and carves a new path across a different floodplain.

Published in Nature, the study identifies the conditions that result in river avulsions for the first time. Thanks to updated satellite technology, the researchers were able to accurately map out landscape features surrounding rivers and how they influence river avulsions.

After analyzing data from 174 river avulsions across the globe, the researchers found that avulsions occur more commonly near mountain ranges and coastal regions compared to the middle sections of rivers. They also found that avulsions tend to occur in mountain ranges and coastal areas because the sediment there builds up more quickly. 

The researchers also developed a tool that identifies paths avulsions are most likely to take, which could be essential for notifying areas that may be at high risk for sudden flooding.

Why are river avulsions important?

While extreme weather events, such as floods, have always been a part of the Earth's history, rising global temperatures are making storms and floods much more powerful and intense. River avulsions especially have major financial consequences for local communities, as sudden floods can completely wipe out city infrastructure. 

"Avulsions, which are possibly the inspirations for ancient flood myths, have created the largest floods in human history, and continue to threaten millions of people today," co-author of the study Professor Douglas Edmonds told Science Daily. "As climate change alters global water cycles and human expansion into flood-prone areas increases, understanding and predicting avulsions has never been more critical."

This new research study offers a way for governments to better predict river avulsions and ultimately safeguard communities from sudden floods. 

Everyday changes you make also have an impact on weather events. By limiting single-use plastics and switching to clean energy sources, you can help combat rising global temperatures, which in turn helps prevent extreme weather events. 

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What's being done about river avulsions?

Scientists are studying river avulsions to better understand and predict their paths. As a result of the recent study from Indiana University, policymakers can utilize the mapping tool to more accurately identify high-risk areas and prepare communities.

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