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Bystander captures photos after national park tourist climbs over railing atop staggering cliff face: 'It's a long way down'

Bypassing safety measures puts visitors and delicate ecosystems at risk.

Bypassing safety measures puts visitors and delicate ecosystems at risk.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Moro Rock, a stunning geological monolith, is now a popular visitor destination for Sequoia National Park tourists.

The granite dome is a sight to behold from its base, but tourists brave enough to ascend the steep, quarter-mile staircase will be treated with a view like none other of the Great Western Divide's magnificent peaks.

Metal railings lining the staircase and viewpoints from the top of Moro Rock are designed to protect tourists from sheer dropoffs throughout the hike. Still, some tourists ignore the safety precautions, climbing over the railings to risk themselves and delicate ecosystems for selfish reasons.

Bypassing safety measures puts visitors and delicate ecosystems at risk.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Bypassing safety measures puts visitors and delicate ecosystems at risk.
Photo Credit: Reddit

One user on Reddit shared pictures of just this: two brazen tourists climbing over the railing at Moro Rock's summit. The images show the pair walking and sitting just feet from the ledge and a several hundred-foot plummet.

"It's a long way down," wrote the user who captured and shared the pictures of the reckless tourists.

Though these tourists were lucky to escape unharmed, that isn't always the case for visitors who bypass railings or other barriers put in place to protect the safety of visitors. 

Just last month, a tourist visiting Yellowstone National Park was burned — figuratively and literally — after venturing off a boardwalk onto delicate thermal crust, despite numerous signs specifically instructing visitors to stay on designated paths at all times. When the crust cracked beneath her feet, the woman was exposed to scalding temperatures, leaving her with second and third-degree burns.

However, bypassing safety measures doesn't just put visitors in danger; it can also put delicate ecosystems at risk of irreversible damage.

The sheer cliffs at Moro Rock are an important nesting ground for peregrine falcons, and each summer, the cliffs close to rock wall climbers to protect peregrine nests and young. These closures don't impact hikers climbing Moro Rock's staircase, but visitors (like those in the images of the Reddit post) who ignore trail boundaries can put the birds and their nests at risk.

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To keep majestic outdoor spaces like Moro Rock in pristine condition and to protect yourself, other visitors, and delicate ecosystems, trail and park rules and guidelines must be respected and followed at all times. Following the rules protects the safety of all living things involved and ensures our remarkable outdoor spaces stay open and pristine for future generations to enjoy.

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