• Outdoors Outdoors

Brazen tourists caught continuously trespassing on trails closed after rampaging wildfires: 'Fine them'

"There are many tourists who continue to disregard the signs."

"There are many tourists who continue to disregard the signs."

Photo Credit: iStock

Despite active wildfires, a few tourists were caught trespassing on closed trails, putting themselves in harm's way. 

Madeira Island News shared photos of tourists ignoring closed hiking trails.

"There are many tourists who continue to disregard the signs."
Photo Credit: Madeira Island News

"There are many tourists who continue to disregard the signs that determine the closure of hiking trails due to the fires that are ravaging the Autonomous Region of Madeira," the publication wrote

The photo shows tourists on closed trails while smoke clouds loom in the distance. 

It's not the first time tourists have been caught ignoring warnings. This group of tourists jumped over railings at the Grand Canyon to sit atop a rock. Another tourist was charged by a bison after approaching the wild animal.

Rules and regulations, like staying on the trail, keeping an appropriate distance from wildlife, and heeding fire warnings, aren't to keep you from enjoying your vacation — they're to keep you safe. 

Many tourists are simply unaware of the impact their behavior has on the wildlife, the environment, and others. A visitor to Carlsbad Caverns National Park dropped a small bag of Cheetos, which may seem like no big deal, but it had a huge impact on the cave's ecosystem.

If we want to enjoy these spots of natural beauty for years to come, we must learn how to respect and preserve the land and animals. There's a common saying to best enjoy and conserve our wilderness: "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints."

Commenters were disappointed in the tourists and expressed concern for the island.

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One user sent good wishes, saying, "We always holiday in Madeira and are desperately sorry to hear of the fires (again!). Such a beautiful island but you will recover."

Another user suggested harsher punishments: "Fine them or put them in prison for a couple of days."

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