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'Living seed bank' could have the potential to preserve the Amazon rainforest's threatened plant species: 'It can provide everything we need'

The living seed bank initiative brings significant benefits to the farming community and Indigenous peoples.

The living seed bank initiative brings significant benefits to the farming community and Indigenous peoples.

Photo Credit: iStock

In the Amazon rainforest, a "living seed bank" is planting the seeds of hope for a greener future.

As Reasons to be Cheerful reported, a living seed bank is like a garden on a mission, where plants and seeds are grown and cared for to keep different species alive. Unlike regular seed banks that just store seeds, these banks actively cultivate plants, helping them adapt to changing conditions and preserving their variety.

The Amazon was chosen as the home for this seed bank because it is one of the most biodiverse places on Earth and has the right climate for unique seedlings.

"It can provide everything we need. It's a magical place," said Froilan Rodríguez, a specialist seed collector.

The living seed bank initiative benefits the farming community and Indigenous peoples. It encourages the regular use of native seeds among Amazonian communities and provides seeds and seedlings to Indigenous and local farmers. 

According to Reasons to be Cheerful, this promotes "a switch away from non-native cash crops like corn, rice, and yuca, which … have dominated agriculture to the detriment of biodiversity." 

Don Juan Rafaele, a farmer working with the initiative, explained: "These crops are more valuable for me. And unlike corn and rice, they can be harvested throughout the whole year, so my income is steadier."

Additionally, the project helps develop nontimber products from native species, such as Amazonian vanilla, wild cacao, and essential oils, which are distributed internationally. This not only boosts the local economy, but also preserves traditional knowledge and practices.

This project boosts the community by cultivating and protecting a wide range of plant species, ensuring that these plants can continue to thrive and evolve. 

On a larger scale, conservation efforts such as these are crucial for maintaining our environments. A recent study in Science highlights the effectiveness of global conservation initiatives, with 45% of interventions significantly enhancing biodiversity. These efforts focus on removing invasive species and adopting sustainable habitat management practices.

By supporting both human and environmental well-being, this initiative highlights the interconnectedness of nature and the critical need for conservation efforts to protect our communities, plants, and wildlife.

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