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Resident discovers upsetting scene at popular tourist destination: 'It makes me furious that people could be so disrespectful'

This destructive behavior speaks to a lost connection between human beings and nature.

This destructive behavior speaks to a lost connection between human beings and nature.

Photo Credit: Reddit

It's common (and not unreasonable) to point at giant corporations when looking for someone to blame for our planet's pollution problem. However, plenty of regular individuals contribute to the problem, too. A recent post to Reddit's r/newzealand subreddit shows what that looks like.

In the post, one user shared a picture of some beautiful natural scenery in the New Zealand tourist town of Taupō. Look a little closer, however, and you'll notice litter strewn about the ground. Not just any litter, either: It's used toilet paper

This destructive behavior speaks to a lost connection between human beings and nature.
Photo Credit: Reddit

The title, which read, "The tourists are back," suggests exactly where the repulsive litter may have come from. 

Commenters on the post are understandably upset to see their beautiful country covered in waste paper. What's perhaps even more upsetting is the fact that the litter seems to be coming from disrespectful visitors. However, some argue that locals pollute just as much as the tourists. 

But whether it's the locals or the tourists who are "worse" in this scenario isn't particularly relevant. What is relevant is that locals have noticed that both tourists and their neighbors are polluting without remorse. 

This destructive behavior speaks to a lost connection between human beings and nature. A closer relationship with nature means a greater respect and reverence for it. That respect and reverence is where climate awareness begins. Those interactions have the power to change our relationship with the planet for the better. 

Research suggests that connecting with nature is also just plain good for our mental health. Sadly, those who exploit nature inhibit not only themselves but others from that connection. 

As upsetting as it is to see images like the one in this post, some commenters offered a bit of hope to the Kiwi's concern about litterbug tourists.

"As a tourist, it makes me furious that people could be so disrespectful anywhere, let alone somewhere that they are a guest of," one said.

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"I'm a tourist who was in Taupo a couple days ago and I love how clean the place was," another commenter mentioned. "Every time I saw a wrapper I picked it up, accidentally carried a couple around all day in my pocket." 

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