• Outdoors Outdoors

Hiker shares before-and-after of frustrating litter cleanup at local waterway: 'Not all heroes wear capes'

"You've inspired me to clean up some trash."

"You've inspired me to clean up some trash."

Photo Credit: Reddit

A hiker in Michigan had other Redditors gushing with thankfulness after they took it upon themselves to pick up litter at a local park — and even inspired some to take action themselves. 

In the subreddit r/Lansing, the hiker shared a series of before-and-after images at various spots in the park, including a river and public steps. Prior to their "de-trashing" job, the scenery was marred by discarded plastic items, including soda bottles and single-use shopping bags.

"You've inspired me to clean up some trash."
Photo Credit: Reddit
"You've inspired me to clean up some trash."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"If I had a nickel for every cigarette butt, swisher sweets filter, black and mild wrapper, marijuana container, and alcohol bottle/can I picked up at the river alone I would be a millionaire!" the original poster wrote. "Please pick up after yourselves, everyone. Let's keep our city clean!"

Commenters praised the OP for their thoughtfulness and were grateful for their message, with some offering suggestions about how to join in. 

"Thanks for taking pride in your city! You've inspired me to clean up some trash in Lansing today," one person wrote. "I hope everyone does the same, even if it's just 1 little piece on the ground. It all helps."

"As a Lansing fisherman, thank you," someone else said, highlighting how plastic litter isn't only unsightly but also a hazard that impacts the health of ecosystems and people's livelihoods. 

According to Deloitte analysis, plastic pollution resulted in almost $255 million in economic losses in North America's fisheries, aquaculture, and marine tourism industries in 2018. 

These losses can be reflected in higher costs at the grocery store for the billions of people who depend on seafood to feed their families. However, proper waste disposal, recycling, and the reduction of single-use plastics can combat that.

What's more, it's a crucial part of respecting and protecting the natural world, in addition to interacting responsibly with flora and fauna (for example, giving wild animals plenty of space) while exploring the great outdoors.

🗣️ Do you think America has a plastic waste problem?

🔘 Definitely 👍

🔘 Only in some areas 🫤

🔘 Not really 👎

🔘 I'm not sure 🤷

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Redditors couldn't help but continue to commend the OP for their actions. 

"Well done. 'Be the change you want to see in the world,'" one person wrote.

"Not all heroes wear capes," another said.

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