Don't take that rainfall for granted. A study has detailed that as the Earth's temperature rises, extreme droughts will become more severe, farther-reaching, and increasingly common.
What's happening?
Research from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research, shared by Science, looked at 40 years of drought data from across the globe. It determined that as the Earth's temperature continues to rise, multi-year droughts will become more intense and will stretch to more areas of the planet.
According to study participant professor Francesca Pellicciotti from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, "Each year since 1980, drought-stricken areas have spread by an additional fifty thousand square kilometers on average—that's roughly the area of Slovakia, or the US states of Vermont and New Hampshire put together."
Why are mega-droughts concerning?
Pellicciotti observed that the increasing severity of droughts and the possibility that they will affect greater global areas could lead to serious damage to "ecosystems, agriculture, and energy production."
One of the main causes of increased mega-drought risk is a warming climate, exacerbated by the human-caused production of pollution. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane released from the transportation, energy, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors, among others, trap heat in the atmosphere and cause temperatures to rise.
This increases the likelihood of drought conditions — and, counterintuitively, deadly storms and hurricanes. These extreme weather conditions have always occurred, but warmer weather is making them longer, stronger, and more likely.
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What's more, as the study detailed, extreme weather — like droughts — is extending to previously unaffected regions. For example, the Northeastern United States, not known for wildfires, was at risk due to a lack of rainfall toward the end of 2024.
When these intense weather conditions occur, they can result in the displacement of people and animal habitat loss, as well as fatalities. They can also decimate crops, which impacts the food supply and increases grocery store prices.
The study documented a 15-year mega-drought in Chile — the longest in 1,000 years — that saw water reserves almost completely depleted. The Congo rainforest also suffered from this problem from 2010 to 2018.
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What's being done about such extreme weather events?
"We hope that the publicly available inventory of droughts we are putting out will help orient policymakers toward more realistic preparation and prevention measures," remarked Pellicciotti.
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These incidents can feel overwhelming, but many people and organizations are already doing what they can to help. The Extreme Weather Survivors group was formed to support people impacted by such events.
Any action we can take to cut pollution will help in the cooling of our planet, hopefully allowing it to heal while reducing the risk of extreme weather. For example, making your home more energy efficient by converting from air conditioning units to heat pumps can lessen our reliance on grid-provided power and dirty fuels that produce planet-warming pollution.
Regarding droughts, saving water when possible is also important to reduce risks. Capturing rainwater to use in your yard and shutting off the tap while brushing your teeth are small but effective changes to conserve an increasingly precious resource.
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