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Local man transforms barren mining site into one-of-a-kind tropical retreat: 'We provide all essential services, but our focus is on nature'

When Mustafa first visited the site, not a single tree stood on the property.

When Mustafa first visited the site, not a single tree stood on the property.

Photo Credit: Greenara

In the heart of Kerala, India, a once-barren 5.5-acre mining site has been transformed into a thriving green oasis by Mustafa P A, a businessman with a passion for nature. The result of his labor is Greenara Homestay, a unique retreat with a simple mission: to create a space where people can reconnect with nature while preserving the local ecosystem.

As reported by Better India, Mustafa's journey began in 2016 when he acquired the desolate land with a vision to revive it. Growing up on a farm, he cherished the green landscapes of his childhood and longed to recreate that environment. 

With the rapid urbanization of Kerala threatening its plant life, Mustafa felt compelled to take action. After years of research and consultations with experts, he embarked on a mission to rewild the land.

The challenge was monumental. When Mustafa first visited the site, not a single tree stood on the property. Years of mining had stripped the land of its vitality, leaving behind a barren wasteland. 

But Mustafa saw potential where others saw desolation. He began by creating a large pond, which he then interconnected with six smaller ponds to form a sustainable water source. With water flowing through the land, he introduced over 2,000 trees, a Miyawaki forest, and hundreds of tropical plants.

The creation of Greenara Homestay was a natural extension of Mustafa's project. The homestay allows guests to immerse themselves in this tropical paradise, with accommodations built using sustainable materials like mud, straw, and bamboo. 

However, Greenara is not your typical luxury resort. "We provide all essential services, but our focus is on nature and tropical landscaping," says Mustafa's daughter, Haneena, who manages the homestay with him. "We encourage visitors who are genuinely interested in these aspects. … This approach ensures that our guests have a fulfilling and educational experience while respecting the environment."

By turning a barren mining site into a vibrant tropical forest, Mustafa is addressing a critical issue: the loss of green spaces due to urbanization. His work benefits the environment by restoring biodiversity and offering a model for sustainable living. For visitors, Greenara provides a rare opportunity to experience nature up close and learn about the importance of conservation.

Mustafa's vision for the future is to continue expanding Greenara's green cover, further enriching the ecosystem he has painstakingly built. His work serves as an inspiration for others to take local climate action, demonstrating that with dedication and vision, even the most degraded landscapes can be brought back to life.

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