A Tennessee-based woman noticed an injured bird during a walk, which motivated her to take action to prevent similar situations in the future.
According to News Channel 5, Mackenzie LaRoe was walking in Sylvan Park in Nashville when she spotted a blue heron caught in a fishing line, which brought LaRoe to tears. She and the other residents had previously enjoyed watching the blue heron during their walks.
What's happening?
Unfortunately, the bird's ankle became infected when it was injured.
"It looked like it had been suffering a long time. It just sucks," she said.
She added, "Someone's careless action took the life of this really meaningful special bird."
The Wildlife Center of Virginia explains that wildlife comes into contact with fishing equipment in several ways. When fishing lines are carelessly discarded, waterfowl and turtles can get tangled. Birds can also get entangled while attempting to use them for nesting materials.
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What makes this so concerning?
According to the Seabird Tracking Database, "Research has provided estimates of global bycatch in gillnet and longline fisheries: 400,000 and 160,000 seabirds per year, respectively."
It's a major issue for brown pelicans in Florida. Bay Soundings reported that a biologist in Tampa had been sounding the alarm since the 1970s and '80s. Entanglement in fishing gear was said to be the leading cause of death for these Florida birds.
While it's heartbreaking to witness these birds suffering in isolation, a decline in their population can negatively impact the ecosystem and human health too.
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The World Health Organization explains that drastic changes to ecosystems will have negative impacts on income, livelihoods, and local migration.
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What's being done about vulnerable coastal birds?
According to News Channel 5, LaRoe turned her tears into action. It took her just a few days to organize a coastal clean-up event in partnership with the Cumberland River Compact for March 1. It's already had dozens of signups.
You can also take local action in your own communities by looking for similar events.
Many organizations are taking the initiative to protect coastal birds. You can get involved by volunteering or donating.
Conservation efforts can be effective. For example, piping plovers once thought to be extinct in Massachusetts are experiencing a resurgence thanks to the work of Mass Audubon and its state, federal, and local partners.
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