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Scientists sound the alarm over potentially catastrophic event impacting marine life: 'This is really worrying'

"All the negative side effects of anthropogenic climate change."

"All the negative side effects of anthropogenic climate change."

Photo Credit: iStock

Natural circulations of ocean water are important in stabilizing temperatures around the globe, which in turn stabilizes weather and climate patterns. So what happens if these natural circulations collapse? Scientists are racing to figure that out, as we are seeing the potential for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to collapse as early as 2037.

What's happening?

The AMOC is a water current circulation system that regulates ocean water temperatures and marine life, per Earth.com. The AMOC "transports warm surface water from the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics to the chilly expanses of the North Atlantic. The colder, saltier water then plunges to the ocean floor and flows south," the Earth.com article explained.

This circulation is what keeps sea surface temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere from becoming too hot while making sure the waters in the Northern Hemisphere don't freeze over. However, this natural circulation is weak and at risk of collapse, per Earth.com.

In a 2022 study on the timing of ocean water temperature rises, researchers determined that the currently weakened AMOC is caused by "the intensification of rainfall at high latitudes, the melting of the ice cap over Greenland, and the warming of the Earth's surface," all of which are driven by human activity, as summarized by Earth.com.

Why is the collapse of AMOC concerning?

What exactly would happen if the AMOC collapses? Utrecht University researcher Rene van Westen explained some of the impacts in an article from Inside Climate News, after releasing a report on the topic.

Van Westen described the impacts as a truly "global shift." Entire rainy and dry seasons could be reversed, resulting in extreme rising sea levels on the East Coast of the U.S. and colder and drier weather in the United Kingdom. The Southern Hemisphere and tropics would become hotter, and the northern European region colder.

Additionally, the AMOC does not only transport ocean currents but also vital nutrients that marine ecosystems rely on for survival. Should the AMOC collapse, then these marine ecosystems will find themselves in trouble, per Earth.com.

"This is really worrying, all the negative side effects of anthropogenic climate change. … If you add an AMOC collapse on top of that, the climate will become even more distorted," van Westen stated to Earth.com.

What can be done about this potential disaster?

Scientists know that a weakened AMOC would ultimately be caused by increasing carbon pollution. While reducing all the dirty pollution across the world can feel overwhelming, there are numerous avenues one can take to do their part.

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is by supporting big companies and brands that have committed to doing the same. That way, you can use your money for good.

Another way is to find ways to utilize renewable energy. Whether it is by modernizing your home with an induction stove and solar panels or switching to an electric vehicle, the options are endless. Let the abundance of ways you can make a positive difference empower you.

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