Outdoors Scientists stunned by eye-catching bird's incredible comeback: 'Amazing job' Outdoors Authorities adopt radical method to prevent rare species from disappearing: '[This will] play a crucial role' Outdoors Scientists witness unexpected changes in rivers after knocking down dams: 'We didn't even know there was [one] there' TRAVEL & ADVENTURE Business New high-speed rail project will totally change travel between major cities: 'A game changer' Outdoors Hiker accidentally stumbles upon 280-million-year-old discovery in Italian Alps: 'Very important' Home Business owner refuses power company's $200,000 demand: 'I can figure that out' JOIN OUR NEWSLETTER Useful news, easy tips, and the latest innovations shaping our future — in your inbox every week! LATEST OUTDOORS Outdoors Scientists sound alarm over concerning discovery made while studying US butterflies: 'Hopefully a wake-up call' Outdoors Scientists sound alarm after discovering disturbing phenomenon occurring across the Arctic: 'Cannot be reversed' Outdoors Experts sound alarm over crisis that could threaten water supplies for millions: 'Abnormally low' Outdoors Authorities confirm unexpected trend in state's water levels — here's what the latest numbers reveal Outdoors Scientists issue warning after making disturbing find in bird species: 'An urgent need to address' Outdoors Predator once on brink of extinction makes remarkable comeback in unlikely location: 'Amazing things happen' Outdoors Residents alarmed over massive changes to lakefront region: 'The most heart-broken were the women in the village' Outdoors New data reveals a startling change in how hurricanes are killing people: 'It's a different type of problem' Outdoors Researchers discover unexpected benefit of new trend in lawn care: 'Can be a hotspot' Outdoors Remarkable event floods major lake with 'staggering' water levels: 'We welcome these storm events' Outdoors Officials scramble amid reported policy change that would have big impact on public safety: 'Beyond our control' Outdoors Artist creates inspirational works using surprising materials: 'We can recreate the natural world' TCD NEWSLETTER Your personal guide to a cleaner, cooler future Outdoors Alarming new study finds over 700 different species in the stomachs of highly invasive predators: 'Poses an extra threat' Outdoors Man faces hefty fine after illegally dumping truckloads of waste in forest — and this wasn't the first time Outdoors New data shows stunning impact of natural disasters on US food supply: 'Very sensitive' Outdoors Scientists sound the alarm after discovering drastic changes in once-pristine lakes: 'Across a tipping point' Outdoors Region overwhelmed by heavy storms is preparing for even more trouble: 'We keep getting hit over and over' Outdoors New data reveals worrying trend in key water supply that could impact millions: 'We are quickly running out of time' Read More