In a post on a subreddit dedicated to energy discussions, one Redditor shared his research after a deep dive into whether or not an eco-friendly energy alternative is truly threatening bird mortality.
Wind turbines, seemingly surrounded by myths, have been blamed for killing massive amounts of birds. In an effort to get to the truth, the OP did some calculations.
"In the US, wind turbines kill about 500,000 birds a year. Sounds like a lot, right?" the OP wrote. "BUT... cats kill between 1.4 to 3.7 BILLION birds annually. That's billion with a B!"
Based on these numbers, the OP concluded that wind turbines are responsible for less than 0.01% of human-related bird deaths.
"That's basically nothing!" the OP exclaimed. "Your cat is probably a bigger threat to birds than all the wind farms in America combined."
The OP went on to share what the wind industry is doing to try and make things better. For instance, painting one blade black reduces bird deaths by 72% over 10 years. An AI system called IdentiFlight can spot birds and shut down turbines, cutting bird deaths by 85%. Another system called SKARV adjusts blade speed to reduce deaths by a possible 80%.
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Additionally, turbines are now being made 60% bigger, more efficient, and quieter. New designs are continually emerging in an effort to be more powerful, efficient, and safer. SeaTwirl has created offshore models that float, while Aeromine's rooftop towers are bladeless and work in tandem with solar panels.
The innovation of clean energy is crucial so that we can stop relying so heavily on gas, coal, oil, and other dirty energy that warms our planet. The more abundant this type of energy becomes, the less expensive it will be so that people from all around the world will have access to the benefits wind energy provides. Nothing is perfect, but it's important to educate yourself on all sides of an argument so that you're able to see clearly through controversy and make decisions for yourself.
The post stirred up quite the debate as to where the numbers came from, the validity of the conclusion, and the complexities of energy consumption.
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"You're also forgetting the mass extinctions event that is Climate change," wrote one Redditor.
"Window strikes probably kill another billion birds," another chimed in.
One of the few voices of reason in the comments stated, "Just because cats do more doesn't mean we shouldn't address this issue also."
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