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Eye-opening new study reveals worrying effects of climate change on 'Water Tower of Asia': 'An early warning signal'

This is expected to increase the water volume in the region's lakes by a staggering 660 billion tons by the end of the century.

This is expected to increase the water volume in the region's lakes by a staggering 660 billion tons by the end of the century.

Photo Credit: iStock

Did you know that rising global temperatures are causing lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to dramatically expand?

A recent study published in SCMP found that by 2100, the surface area of some lakes in this "Water Tower of Asia" could grow by over 50%. That's great news for the lakes, but not so much for the surrounding communities and infrastructure, according to Interesting Engineering.

What's happening?

As the Earth warms due to human-produced pollution, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is experiencing increased rainfall and melting glaciers.

This is expected to increase the water volume in the region's lakes by a staggering 600 billion metric tonnes (over 660 billion tons) by the end of the century.

To put that in perspective, it's a fourfold increase compared to the water added to these lakes over the past 50 years. The largest lake, Selin Co, could balloon by about 66 billion tonnes (over 72 billion tons) of water, expanding its surface area by around 800 square kilometers (308 square miles).

Why is this lake expansion concerning?

According to the researchers, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is "one of the regions that is most vulnerable to climate change, acting as an early warning signal for the wider effects of global warming."

If no preventative action is taken, the expanding Tibetan lakes could flood over 1,000 kilometers of roads, around 500 settlements, and approximately 10,000 square kilometers of grasslands, wetlands, and croplands that are vital to the region's ecology and food production.

The road flooding alone could cause economic losses of up to $6.9 billion. Over half a million livestock could also be impacted as critical grazing lands are submerged. The researchers warn this would "severely affect the livelihoods of local pastoralists and further exacerbate poverty levels."

What can I do about the swelling Tibetan lakes?

The most powerful thing we can do about melting glaciers is to keep working to eliminate the root cause: heat-trapping air pollution. There are many ways to make your voice heard, and small personal changes can make a difference, too. Try doubling down on these environmentally conscious lifestyle choices:

Conserve energy at home by turning the lights off when not in use
• Eat more plant-based foods and less red meat
• Take public transportation or switch to an electric vehicle

We can all play a part in curbing the pollution that's throwing our planet off balance. Our seemingly small actions add up.

While reversing the lake expansion in Tibet won't happen overnight, every choice we make to lighten our impact helps pump the brakes on warming.

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