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Experts reveal the surprising way utility companies met surging energy demands amid extreme weather – here's what's keeping the lights on

In Florida, a 37-home subdivision with a community solar microgrid was able to maintain access to power despite outages elsewhere in the area.

In Florida, a 37-home subdivision with a community solar microgrid was able to maintain access to power despite outages elsewhere in the area.

Photo Credit: iStock

An energy expert has explained just how renewable power is supporting our energy grid even in the most difficult conditions. 

Brian Nelson, renewables segment leader of ABB's Renewables Division, wrote in T&DWorld about the advantages that the adoption of solar and wind energy provides not just for homeowners but for the local area, too.

Among the major benefits is that renewable energy sources can help out amid extreme weather conditions — conditions that, frustratingly, are made worse by the heat-trapping emissions produced by power stations that run on dirty fuel

Nelson noted that between 2000 and 2023, 80% of power outages in the United States were caused by weather conditions. For example, during heat waves, more people turn to air conditioning systems to keep themselves and their homes cool. This leads to a surge in energy demand, which puts a lot of stress on conventional power grids.

Meanwhile, in storms and hurricanes, it's not unusual for power networks to go down, leaving residents, hospitals, and fire stations without essential energy supplies.

Renewable "microgrids" can help in these situations. First, with energy available and accessible outside the wider electricity grid (via domestic or community solar panels), demand decreases.  This eases the strain on the system, making outages less likely.

Additionally, if power is cut off during storms, renewable energy connected to a battery supply can keep the lights on when access to the grid is not possible. 

Nelson cited an example in Florida, where a 37-home subdivision in Wimauma with a community solar microgrid was able to maintain access to power despite outages elsewhere in the area. 

Industries with high energy demands can lower utility costs by investing in renewable energy, Nelson also noted, as revenue can be generated by selling energy back to the power grid.  Microgrids are able to reduce energy waste because they produce DC power, which doesn't need to be converted, unlike AC power. 

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No matter what size renewable system you have, harnessing power from natural, sustainable sources can make a huge difference in reducing our reliance on dirty energy. Policies like the Inflation Reduction Act have recently cut costs, too, with discounts and tax rebates available for domestic renewable technology

By embracing sustainable energy, you can reduce energy bills, cut planet-warming pollution, save your budget, and even help your local community during challenging conditions. 

"With increased microgrid adoption over time, utility companies can substantially reduce carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels," wrote Nelson. "This helps reduce utilities' carbon footprints and operating costs while keeping the lights on to the delight of their customers."

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