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New research finds unexpected upside of making simple diet swap: 'Significant health and climate benefits'

Every little bit adds up and helps to contribute to a healthier body, mind, and planet.

Every little bit adds up and helps to contribute to a healthier body, mind, and planet.

Photo Credit: iStock

The food we choose to eat has a considerable impact on not just our health but the environment, too. Reduction in emissions from the global food supply chain is critical if we are to meet climate goals and ensure a safe and healthy planet for future generations to enjoy.

While that all sounds terrifying, don't let it scare you into helpless inaction. A group of international researchers has just discovered a key strategy in helping to reduce global food supply chain pollution — and it's so easy anyone can do it.

According to the study published by researchers, a global shift from red meat and dairy-focused diets to diets high in plants and plant-based protein could reduce greenhouse gases by 17%.

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According to the international researchers who published the study, if 56.9% of the global population (specifically those with the highest rates of red meat and dairy consumption) shifted to plant-based diets, 32.4% of global dietary pollution could be prevented from ever entering the Earth's atmosphere.

"Compared to plant-based products, animal-based products show greater potential for reducing emissions," said Dr. Yuli Shan, corresponding author of the research. "We should look to reduce overconsumption of emission-intensive products in affluent countries, such as beef in Australia and the U.S., especially for wealthy consumer groups who are overconsuming, which would help to achieve significant health and climate benefits."

Other than being the biggest contributors to global dietary pollution and therefore bearing a responsibility to reduce harm as a result of their lifestyle choices, comparably wealthier consumers in affluent countries like Australia and the U.S. should consider making the transition to plant-based foods because they are more accessible than ever and healthier, too.

Grocers and retailers across the United States, for example, are increasingly adopting plant-based food options. Walmart recently announced Bettergoods, an in-house label offering a variety of plant-based food items such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. Plus, studies have found that shoppers can cut their grocery bills by 40% with plant-based swaps, making it even more accessible for those worried about overspending.

Plant-based food alternatives like Bettergoods have been found to offer numerous health benefits, too, such as reduced stress, decreased chance of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and diabetes, and increased life expectancy. That means more time spent with your loved ones and doing your favorite hobbies, and more time to try all the delicious plant-based alternatives the market has to offer.

If switching to a plant-based diet all at once is too overwhelming, small substitutions here and there are an excellent place to start. Every little bit adds up and helps to contribute to a healthier body, mind, and planet.

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