• Tech Tech

These underground robots could help deliver our packages in the future: 'Could free up room on the highways'

"The idea is that if you can build these tunnels underneath our infrastructure … you can use them to deliver packages instead of using cars on our roads."

"The idea is that if you can build these tunnels underneath our infrastructure ... you can use them to deliver packages instead of using cars on our roads."

Photo Credit: Instagram

What if robots could deliver packages to your doorstep — not by driving on roads, but through underground pipes?

That's the vision of Atlanta-based startup Pipedream, and they've already built a working prototype, according to Freethink.

Picture this: a network of underground tubes whisking packages directly into homes and offices. Something like a pneumatic tube system across an entire city and eventually perhaps a whole region. No more delivery trucks clogging streets and highways. Less tailpipe pollution warming our atmosphere.

Pipedream's goal is to create a more efficient, eco-friendly delivery system. A vast underground network that keeps deliveries out of sight and off the roads.

The technology is still in its early stages, but it's rapidly advancing. Pipedream has successfully demonstrated its concept, transporting packages through subterranean pipes into an Atlanta office building.

"The idea is that if you can build these tunnels underneath our infrastructure and have them go into every home and office building, you can use them to deliver packages instead of using cars on our roads," Freethink reported in a recent Instagram reel.

"So, something like this could free up room on the highways and use fewer emissions to get all the logistics work that we need done every day."

While similar tube systems have long carried mail and money, Pipedream is the first to target direct-to-consumer deliveries. This novel approach could be a game-changer.

Transportation accounts for over a quarter of the heat-trapping pollution damaging our atmosphere. Cutting this pollution is crucial for protecting our communities from worsening heatwaves, floods, and other climate impacts.

What's more, this technology could make our lives easier. Imagine ordering groceries or medicine and having them pop up in your home within minutes. No worrying about weather delays or stolen packages. Convenience plus sustainability — what's not to love?

Of course, building such an extensive underground network won't happen overnight. But Pipedream looks like it may already be making some strides. With adequate funding and favorable policies, systems like these could become reality sooner than you might think.

The next time you see a delivery truck rumbling by, consider this: That package's journey might look very different in the not-so-distant future thanks to innovative companies like Pipedream, working to revolutionize the way goods move while helping to save our planet.

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