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New research shows simple diet change can have major impacts on long-term health — here's how you can make the switch

You can make a meaningful difference without drastic changes to your lifestyle.

You can make a meaningful difference without drastic changes to your lifestyle.

Photo Credit: iStock

A new study shows that swapping out a few calories and embracing a heart-healthy eating plan can be beneficial not only for you, but also for the environment.

A study published in the Science of the Total Environment and summarized by News Medical saw researchers follow older adults with metabolic syndrome over a year. Those who stuck to a Mediterranean diet with fewer calories not only improved their health but also helped protect the environment. 

So, what exactly makes the Mediterranean diet so impactful? This diet emphasizes plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, while reducing the intake of red meat and processed foods. The study's key takeaway was that a small change in diet can be great for both individuals and the planet. 

The Mediterranean diet has long been lauded for its ability to promote heart health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve overall well-being. It can also lead to big reductions in harmful environmental effects like pollution and land use. According to another study, swapping just half of your meat with plant-based options can dramatically reduce pollution and help prevent deforestation. 

The United Nations warns that soil erosion from animal farming could lead to a loss of 75 billion tons of soil by 2050, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations. The meat and dairy industries also extract enormous amounts of water to raise farm animals — just 1 pound of beef, for example, requires a staggering 2,400 gallons of water, as a study has detailed. This unsustainable demand for resources is accelerating environmental degradation and putting our future at risk. 

By opting for more plant-based foods and cutting back on high-impact items like red meat, you can make a meaningful difference without drastic changes to your lifestyle.

If you're ready to make the switch, start by incorporating more plant-based meals into your weekly routine and reducing your portion sizes. Simple, tasty meal ideas like stuffed sweet potatoes, veggie-packed tacos, and classic rice and beans are a good place to start. These dishes are as easy to make as they are delicious, making your shift to a plant-forward lifestyle a breeze.

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