Thrifting can be like a super affordable, environmentally-friendly treasure hunt that yields some amazing finds. It's not often, though, that a find is so amazing that it inspires tears of joy like what happened with this Reddit user.
The r/ThriftStoreHauls subreddit is a goldmine of incredible thrifting finds. Check out the posts, and you'll see rare and valuable items that users nabbed at eye-popping low prices. Like this vintage Coach purse, for example:

The post's title read, "My Unicorn Vintage Coach Purse for $4.95," and it includes two images of the purse in question. It looks nearly new considering it's likely about 35 years old.
"I spotted her at a Disabled Veteran's thrift store and cried when I read the tag and then the price," the OP said. "I've been watching restoration videos and scanning Mercari for years for a bag like this. Her serial number starts with a 0 so from what I've gathered, 1987-1993. I've already given her some TLC!"
Now, our inclination to covet material items has certainly gotten the human race (and the planet) into some hot water over the last few decades. But satisfying that inclination by restoring and repurposing discarded items puts a far more environmentally friendly spin on things.
Seeing how much value there is in items viewed as garbage by some is a little disheartening, but it's also pretty inspiring. We can enjoy material items without burdening the planet if we look in the right places and put in a little extra effort.
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Shopping at thrift stores is a great way to find everything from necessities to luxury items for incredibly cheap. This vintage Coach bag can go for hundreds of dollars elsewhere, yet this Redditor found it for $4.95. Does literally anything cost $4.95 anymore!?
On top of a great deal for a beautiful item, this thrift store find also keeps perfectly good products out of our already-packed landfills. It's simultaneously cheap, chic, and sustainable.
Commenters were equal parts envious of and ecstatic for the OP.
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"I swear my mom had this exact purse when I was growing up! Core childhood memory unlocked," one shared.
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"A little bit of elbow grease makes a big difference! Nice find!" another said.
"Beautiful and classic style! Show us the inside next time!" another added.
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