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Woman shares simple hack to make use of empty Parmesan shakers: 'I knew I saved some of those for a good reason'

"Don't throw it in the recycling bin."

"Don't throw it in the recycling bin."

Photo Credit: YouTube

Here's a clever way to repurpose those empty Parmesan cheese containers you've been tossing in the recycling bin. This simple hack transforms trash into a handy storage solution for paintbrushes and other craft supplies.

The scoop

DIY YouTuber Our Upcycled Life (@OurUpcycledLife) shares an easy method to upcycle empty Parmesan cheese containers into functional storage for paintbrushes.

The process is straightforward:

1. Remove the lid
2. Cut off the label
3. Clean the container with hot, soapy water
4. Add a bit of water to the bottom to keep your paintbrushes moist

"You emptied out your Parmesan cheese container. Don't throw it in the recycling bin. I'm gonna show you how you can upcycle it," Our Upcycled Life says in the video.

How it's working

This hack is a win-win for your wallet and the planet. Instead of buying new storage containers for art supplies, you're repurposing something you already have, saving money, and reducing waste.

By upcycling these containers, you're keeping plastic out of landfills and recycling facilities. While recycling is beneficial, it still requires energy and resources. Reusing items directly is even better for the environment.

Every small action adds up. When we reuse plastic containers, we reduce the demand for new plastic. This, in turn, helps decrease pollution and the dirty gases associated with plastic manufacturing.

Upcycling also promotes a mindset of creativity and resourcefulness. It encourages us to look at everyday items with fresh eyes and find new uses for things we might otherwise discard.

What people are saying

The video sparked enthusiasm and creativity among viewers. Many were excited to try the hack themselves.

"I knew I saved some of those for a good reason," someone said. "Now if I can figure out why I saved a few of the heavy duty 64 oz Pace Picante Sauce bottles."

Others shared their own upcycling ideas.

"We live in snow country. Large parmesan cheese containers get refilled with a sand and salt combo so we can sprinkle icy spots we need to walk on," another user wrote. "We keep one in our cars, our bags, by the door, and gift them to others."

Another response highlighted how simple ideas can inspire a community to think sustainably: "You are so inventive!!"

This hack shows that living more consciously doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Often, it's about seeing the potential in items we already have.

By repurposing household containers, we can reduce waste, save money, and unleash our creativity — all while taking a small but meaningful step toward a cleaner, cooler future.

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