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Homeowner in shock over disturbing scene discovered in backyard after returning from vacation: 'This is a felony'

"The cost of this damage is significant."

"The cost of this damage is significant."

Photo Credit: iStock

A horrifying event in Arizona sparked outrage when a Redditor said they arrived home to find their backyard destroyed and a beloved pet dead.

They took to r/landscaping to ask for help after "someone sprayed something over the fence, killed our tortoise."

"The cost of this damage is significant."
Photo Credit: Reddit

"Came back from a weeklong vacation, and found that our backyard was sprayed with maybe a herbicide," they wrote. "Does anyone know what could've caused this, we found our tortoise dead just now. The cactus are melted and there are obvious spray marks on them."

The post included a photo that showed what looked like bleached grass and striations on a tall cactus, as well as other damaged plants.

In an update, the poster shared more photos that showed seemingly charred and melted cacti, plus more dead vegetation. The sad situation quickly turned into a movement for the desert tortoise, Justice for Pudding.

Commenters convinced the poster to take action by contacting law enforcement and other officials, and they did just that, filing a police report and meeting with the state Department of Agriculture, whose investigator said the contact spray diquat could have been used.

First, it's easy to acknowledge how scary it must be to have something like this done to your property and pet. It's vital to avoid the use of such chemicals at all costs, whether you're working in the yard or cleaning your home.

Diquat and similar products are dangerous to inhale, may cause damage to vital organs such as lungs and kidneys, and can cause skin and eye irritation, among other problems, according to the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. Instead, turn to natural ways to protect your greenery.

On a broader scale, using your voice to spread the word about environmentally safe practices can impact family and friends as well as your entire community. It takes each person making small but important decisions to create a journey that ends with a safer future.

As the poster awaits the result of samples being tested by the state, everyone can hope for a positive resolution.

"This is a felony," one user wrote. "The cost of this damage is significant."

Another said: "The things I want to write here are too unhinged. I am sorry for your loss. MAKE THEM PAY."

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