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Tesla owner shares frustrating video after leaving car parked in public overnight: 'I don't get why people do this'

"Makes absolutely no sense to me at all."

"Makes absolutely no sense to me at all."

Photo Credit: iStock

It's fairly well known that most Tesla vehicles are equipped with motion-activated cameras to deter vandalism. But for one unfortunate Tesla owner, even the presence of cameras didn't deter a random passerby from attacking their car at night.

The owner posted the camera footage from two different angles on Reddit, showcasing how a person walking by — seemingly on a regular evening walk with their dog — suddenly decided to slash the car's tires and throw a rock at its door, which apparently left a dent. 

"I don't get why people do this," one person vented.

Other commenters were similarly frustrated. "What's wrong with people," one person said.

Another wrote, "I simply don't understand this?!! Why why why makes absolutely no sense to me at all."

One person pointed out that OP might be able to find the perpetrator: "If he walks his dog, most likely he has a routine and walks it in the same time around the same place every day especially if he's from there. Good chance is you might catch him again."

Unfortunately, this is not a new or unique experience for EV owners, particularly Tesla owners. Electric vehicles are a source of peculiarly intense rage from many people. These are typically diesel-burning vehicle owners who see the use of electric fuel as a personal affront to their own lifestyles. People have been documented slicing charger cables, keying cars, deliberately hogging charging spots or unplugging cars, coal-rolling EV drivers, and more.

What's particularly upsetting is that stirring up anti-EV sentiment doesn't just hurt the EV owners — it impacts the future for everyone. 

To mitigate the extreme and dangerous effects of our planet's warming, humans need to reduce our toxic pollution output significantly. Transportation is a huge part of that, accounting for approximately 20% of worldwide pollution, per Our World in Data. That number is closer to 30% in the U.S., the EPA reports.

🗣️ When you think about owning an EV, what concerns you most about public charging stations?

🔘 Chargers not working 🚫

🔘 Chargers not being available 😥

🔘 Charging being too expensive 💰

🔘 Charging taking too long ⌚

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And while some concerned would-be buyers point to the pollution generated by creating EV batteries, these energy costs still pale in comparison to the lifetime costs of driving a dirty fuel-powered car.

Given that, making the shift to renewably-powered cars, trucks, and even airplanes is going to be critical — and fostering a sense of respect, not judgment and outright aggression, will be key in facilitating a widespread adoption.

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