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Homeowner shares before-and-after video of stunning lawn transformation: 'Freaking gorgeous'

"Real lawns have biodiversity!"

"Real lawns have biodiversity!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

TikToker PlantMoTrees (@plantmotrees) posted a video showing a residential lawn's dynamic transformation. The "before" shot shows a plain, manicured lawn that suddenly fills with bold yellow and purple flowers in the "after" shot. 

The caption reads, "Front lawn transformation to be more sustainable, beautiful, & beneficial." 

@plantmotrees Front lawn transformation to be more sustainable, beautiful, & beneficial. #nativeplants #yard #lawn #gardenforlife #homegrownnationalpark #flowers ♬ Get Low - Dillon Francis & DJ Snake

The beauty is apparent, but how is the lawn sustainable and beneficial? The visual benefits are obvious, as the lawn adds curb appeal, which can also increase the home value.

But the benefits go beyond the individual homeowner. Native plants help the ecosystem, which survives thanks to the work of pollinators such as bees, butterflies, ladybugs, hummingbirds, and robins.

Pollinators go from flower to flower, spreading seeds that help flowers reproduce worldwide as the first link in the food chain. They also use plants and trees as habitats where they can thrive and raise more pollinators.

When you have a healthy, thriving native garden with natural biodiversity, you can wake up to the sounds of hummingbirds. Stop and enjoy the visual delight of caterpillars turning into butterflies and moths. Watch out for wildflowers that may bloom.

Going from a flat landscape to a vibrant and lush garden can take work, but it's worth it. Rewild your yard by getting rid of existing invasive species that can choke out native plants. Cut down stems, pull them out at the root, and use mulch or tarp to smother them. Then, find out what seeds are native to your area using the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

As you plant native seeds, they'll quickly take to the soil and require much less water than non-native plants. As a result, you'll save money, reduce water runoff waste, and save time as nature takes its course with plants already acclimated to the existing environment.

Commenters loved the work PlantMoTrees put in.

🗣️ If you were to switch from a grass lawn to a more natural option, which of these factors would be your primary motivation?

🔘 Making it look better 🌱

🔘 Saving money on water and maintenance 💰

🔘 Helping pollinators 🐝

🔘 No way I ever get rid of my lawn 🚫

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

One said, "Real lawns have biodiversity!!! Thank you so much!!"

Other comments included "Freaking beautiful" and "Freaking gorgeous."

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