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Plant parent demonstrates DIY hack to recreate expensive propagation displays: 'So simple and doable'

"I cannot wait to do these things!"

"I cannot wait to do these things!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

If you're interested in propagating plants and want them to have a pleasant aesthetic appeal, look no further than your spice rack.

The scoop

TikToker and sustainability expert HomesteadDonegal (@mirendarosenberg) shared a creative hack for repurposing old spice jars for a DIY propagation display that looks cute enough to have been store-bought. 

@mirendarosenberg What items do you repurpose? #urbanresources #sustainability #lowwaste #zerowaste #gardening #mirendagarden #propogation #homesteading #mirendatok ♬ 10 minutes! Fashionable and bright jazz piano(1127989) - nyansuke

Mirenda explains that they got the idea when they saw a pretty propagation display at a plant nursery. The products cost between €3 and €5 ($3.21-$5.35), but spice jars are similar in size and appearance to the jars in the display. 

In the video, Mirenda defines the term "urban resources" as "items that are often considered to be waste products but can be repurposed to help protect your wallet." In this instance, the urban resource is glass spice jars. 

To try this hack yourself, wash out old spice jars and remove the labels to prep them for reuse. 

Then, take a few plant clippings and put one in each jar. Set them up along a window sill and allow them to root. 

How it's helping

Getting a little creative with reusing and repurposing can have huge payoffs in the long run. Consumers save money and time by ditching the need to shop for new products when they can simply reuse what they already have at home.

HomesteadDonegal will save a few bucks every time they reuse spice jars instead of buying new propagation pots. Taking small actions such as this is beneficial for your wallet and our planet.

Repurposing waste items reduces the demand for energy and resources needed to create new products. Generating less waste also helps reduce methane-emitting trash in our landfills and prevents ocean pollution.

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These steps move us all toward a safer and cleaner future by protecting our communities from climate-change-driven extreme weather events and shielding our food supply from the impacts of pollution.

Recycling items that you can't reuse is another action you can take to help the environment, and there are a lot of ways to recycle — some even include a cash benefit.

Per Earth.org, 92 million tonnes of textile waste (over 101 million tons) piles up in landfills every year. Keep your old clothing out of landfills by using a company such as thredUP that offers cash or credit in exchange for your old textiles. 

GotSneakers offers money to consumers who turn in their old sneakers. There are a lot of other recycling options to explore as well.

What people are saying

Commenters were excited to try this hack.

"I cannot wait to do these things!" one user said.

Another user wrote, "I love finding new ways to urban resource!"

A third TikToker marveled at how easy this hack is, stating, "So simple and doable."

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