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HVAC specialist settles debate over whether to turn off AC when not at home: 'It's going to make your air conditioner … use up more electricity'

"Even if I leave 9 hours for work?"

"Even if I leave 9 hours for work?"

Photo Credit: TikTok

There's nothing like getting a paycheck and then watching all of your hard-earned cash go to the electric company in the summertime. Fortunately, there are ways to save if you know what to do.

The scoop

HVAC specialist Angel from Dymond AC (@dymondac) reveals an easy and effective cooling solution for one of the most common questions in the air-conditioning world.

@dymondac 🏠🌬️You should turn off air conditioner when leaving home? The answer is NO❌, because returning to your house will be uncomfortable due to the hot temperature. And if you try to cool your house, it will require longer AC operation and consume more electricity.⚡ Simply raise the temperature a few degrees, then adjust it back down when you return home. Easy and efficient cooling solution.✨ Comment below your questions and follow me for more!🤝🏻⭐ #HVACServices #airconditioningservice #acmaintenance ♬ Positive background music such as play and games(1251730) - earbrojp

There has been great debate over the years on whether or not to turn off the AC when leaving the house. According to this video, the answer is no. Angel says that because leaving the AC off makes the house much hotter, the AC will have to work longer and spend more energy to cool it down again.

"If you try to cool your house back down, it's going to make your air conditioner run longer, use up more electricity, and your comfort is going to be very low," he said.

He recommends bumping the temperature up a few degrees when leaving the house and then switching it back to the preferred temp when you get home.

Angel is active in the comments section and advised that leaving your AC on auto and letting the system control the fan is best when you are home.

How it's working

Saving energy saves money, and the majority of these options are eco-friendly, so it's a win-win for everyone and the planet.

Being conscious and changing the way you use electricity, gas, and water can save over $3,000 a year, and it won't break the bank or require a remodel to get started. It's a super easy way to minimize bills and the use of dirty energy

Just changing the lightbulbs in the house, unplugging appliances when they aren't being used, or investing in a heat pump can greatly reduce your energy bill.

Incorporating smart home technology into your house can help save even more money. "Smart home" is a term that means appliances can be controlled remotely.

However, the AC answer may not be so cut-and-dry for some homes, as it depends on how much heat your unit can store and the insulation quality, according to an extensive report by PBS. Weatherizing your home is another way to minimize energy use, especially during extreme weather.

If you're not sure where to start, Green Neighbor Challenge is a free app that allows you to find clean energy sources in your area and save money.

What people are saying

Angel's professional advice was met with questions and some who disagreed with his method. 

"Even if I leave 9 hours for work?" one comment asked skeptically. 

Angel stayed true to his advice, confirming that leaving the AC on at a higher temperature is still the energy-saving answer.

"Also highly recommend a Nest thermostat or any type of WIFI thermostat … that you can set a schedule," Angel advised in the comments.

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