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Frustrating footage shows truck driver's dangerous behavior threaten bicyclist: 'Sadly a regular weekly occurrence'

The intent seems to be to inconvenience different-minded folks as much as possible.

The intent seems to be to inconvenience different-minded folks as much as possible.

Photo Credit: iStock

It's frustrating that so many people flunk the Golden Rule of treating others how they'd like to be treated.

The latest example is a truck driver deliberately "rolling coal" on a bicyclist in a video they posted on YouTube.

The footage shows a truck driver intentionally cutting in front of the commuter to repeatedly spew heavy amounts of toxic diesel fumes in their bicycle's path. The video's author wrote in the caption that it's "still sadly a regular weekly occurrence" in their commute while highlighting some of the positive developments for Kansas City's bicyclists.

The practice is dangerous as the fumes can disturb the vision of the cyclists while distracting the driver. That can lead to accidents, like in Texas, where six bikers were struck by a truck. The fumes also force the cyclists to breathe in heavily polluted air, which may exacerbate respiratory issues.

Not only that, but "rolling coal" is illegal federally as a clear violation of the Clean Air Act. It is not always strictly enforced, but that is being worked on with several states adding legislation forbidding the practice. 

So why do some truck drivers feel the need to do it?

It seems "rolling coal" is just another form of "activism" for motorists who want to make a point of protesting those who practice eco-friendly transportation like driving EVs, bicycling, or traveling by foot. The drivers modify their cars to produce up to 100 times more pollution that can be directed at those guilty of the "crime" of trying to reduce planet-warmingcarbon pollution.

It fits into a trend of maddening behavior like vandalizing EV charging stations or blocking the spots entirely for drivers. The intent seems to be to inconvenience different-minded folks as much as possible in the name of proudly promoting their dirty energy usage. If only there was instant karma for coal-rollers more often.

Ultimately, these sorts of childish stunts accomplish nothing besides adding even more dangerous pollutants to the air and frustrating innocent drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.

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Commenters on YouTube echoed the disillusionment of the video's poster.

"It's sad, they have no idea how stupid they are," one wrote.

Another concluded simply, "These guys are psychos."

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