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Woman demonstrates simple, money-saving swap for disposable cleaning wipes: 'So simple but genius'

"Thank you for sharing!"

"Thank you for sharing!"

Photo Credit: TikTok

It can sometimes feel overwhelming and complicated to make eco-friendly choices. Thankfully, we have the internet to help us. 

One sustainability expert on TikTok showed a surprisingly simple way to get reusable surface wipes. 

The scoop

Brennan Kai (@brennan.kai) is a TikToker who practices what she calls "imperfect sustainability." Her account shows followers how to make affordable and eco-friendly choices around the house and kitchen. In one clip, she talks about her journey using DIY disinfectant wipes. 

@brennan.kai It's officially been a year since I started making these DIY zero waste & non-toxic "Clorox" wipes 🧼🤍 Real deal Clorox wipes contain harsh chemicals & are a single-use product— they go straight to landfill after you toss them, & since they're made of synthetic fibers, they will never truly break down. Choosing reusables is always the best way to go, but when it comes to bacteria, a standard eco cleaning spray just won't cut it. Enter these DIY wipes! All you need is a large upcycled jar, reusable cloths of any kind (these are from @zerowastestore) & some 70% concentration rubbing alcohol. Fun fact: the CDC recommends 70% because it takes a bit longer to evaporate, which leaves more time for the alcohol to kill any germs 🦠 This is more cost-effective, too— rubbing alcohol is cheap & the cloths are a one-time purchase that just get tossed in the washer when the time comes 💕 Let me know if you give this a try! Happy sanitizing 🙏🏽 #minimalism #sustainability #zerowaste #lowwaste #plasticfree #sustainable #ecohome #environmentalist #foodwaste #minimalist #foodwastetip #foodwastesolution #foodwasteprevention #compost #cooking #recipe #slowliving #slowlifestyle #slowlifestyle #cleanwithme #diy #ecoclean #cleaning ♬ show me how - <3

"It's been over a year since I started using these DIY disinfectant wipes in place of the single-use ones you can get at the store," she says. "And I've been really satisfied with how they clean." 

Brennan goes on to show how she prepares her jar of reusable wipes. She uses an upcycled jar and fills it with small pieces of cloth. She then adds 70% isopropyl alcohol until the cloths absorb everything while also adding in some essential oils to offset the alcohol smell. 

This is a great way to clean and disinfect around the house while making a more environmentally friendly choice. While single-use wipes are very convenient, they are quite wasteful and pretty expensive to continue to buy. 

How it's working

Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products can sometimes be an upfront cost, but it saves you money in the long run. Cleaning solutions like soap, alcohol, and vinegar are cheap and can be used all over your home, from windows to floors. According to the TCD Guide, you can save around $100 a year using these more natural options over specialized cleaning products. 

Disposable wipes also harm the planet, so making the swap to something reusable like this creator suggests is a way to be gentler on the planet. 

"Some of the disposable wipe products contain plastics and won't break down easily, ending up in waterways," wrote USA Today

Plastic pollution in our waterways continues to be a huge issue. National Geographic reported, "Every year, about eight million tons of plastic waste escapes into the oceans from coastal nations."

There are many eco-friendly choices we can make to help keep our waterways a little cleaner, including reducing our use of single-use cleaners. 

What people are saying

Commenters loved this sustainable swap. 

One person wrote, "Thank you for sharing! So simple but genius!!!"

Another commenter gave a warning, "Yes but it can ruin certain surfaces! Just be careful what you use them on."

Someone else thanked the creator, saying, "Good idea!! Thanks for sharing I'm trying to shift to a more eco-conscious home life."

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