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Woman shares simple method to make sense of common recycling symbols: 'So many good tips here'

This easy-to-follow primer provides a solid foundation for anyone looking to introduce recycling into their daily routine.

This easy-to-follow primer provides a solid foundation for anyone looking to introduce recycling into their daily routine.

Photo Credit: TikTok

If only recycling something was as easy as trashing it. What, where, and how are questions that crop up frequently when you're starting the process.

Thankfully, for consumers who want to do their part in helping the environment, a recycling expert on TikTok is doing their best to make it easy.

The scoop

Sam from the TikTok account everythingeco (@everythingeco) shared an informational "Recycling 101" video that has all the tips and resources consumers need to recycle with confidence.

@everythingeco Recycling 101♻️🌎 It doesnt have to be hard to get started!! Visit epa.gov and how2recycle.info for easy recyling guides 🫶🏻 #sustainability #sustainableliving #recycle #ecofriendly #realistic #plasticpollution #tips ♬ Feather - Sped Up - Sabrina Carpenter

The first tip is to clean out food packaging like yogurt containers or peanut butter jars before recycling. This will help avoid contamination of a batch of recycling.

Next is locating the recycling instructions on the packaging. It's key because spotting the symbols isn't always easy, and there is nuance to many of the instructions. 

For some items, like the yogurt container, it tells you to remove the seal and plastic label. Others, like plastic, may tell you to check if you can recycle them locally.

The TikToker recommends that consumers visit epa.gov or how2recycle.info to find solutions in these less clear situations.  They also suggest looking into your local recycling regulations for more information. For example, some cities require consumers to separate paper recyclables from glass and plastics.

How it's helping

This easy-to-follow primer provides a solid foundation for anyone looking to introduce recycling into their daily routine.

While some research is required to dial into the exact recycling regulations of where you live, Sam does a nice job of sending viewers the resources to find that information.

🗣️ What confuses you most about recycling protocol?

🔘 Which materials I can recycle 📦

🔘 How clean the material needs to be 🧼

🔘 What the plastic numbers mean ♻️

🔘 Nothing at all 😇

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

Recycling is an important tool to keep trash out of landfills that are rapidly filling up while heating the planet. Another key benefit of recycling is saving resources. Recycling paper, aluminum, and plastic can save huge amounts of water, energy, and oil.

Right now, we just aren't doing a great job of it, as the country recycled just 23% of all municipal solid waste in 2018. According to EPA estimates shared by NBC News, we could be recycling up to 75% of our trash.

For that reason, Sam is part of a positive movement to simplify and encourage recycling for consumers everywhere.

What people are saying

TikTokers were supportive of the post's message but sober about the "hurdles put in place for why most people don't recycle," as one user put it.

One gushed about the video, saying, "so many good tips here!!"

A frustrated user divulged that they "don't have any place to recycle plastic and cardboard in our county." 

The original poster responded with some solutions for consumers in that quandary. They wrote, "the best thing to do imo is buy package-free when possible, reuse packaging if possible, and advocate to bring [recycling] back!"

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