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Preppers share game plan for potentially 'catastrophic' scenario: 'Do the same as now'

"This is a great skill to have!"

"This is a great skill to have!"

Photo Credit: iStock

It might not yet be the end of the world as we know it, but do you feel fine — or at least prepared for that scenario? 

That's the question one person posed in r/preppers, a subreddit dedicated to sharing tips and tricks for emergency preparedness related to "catastrophic" weather events.

"How do you handle erratic growing seasons and temps that devastate crops and destroy our global food markets? Heat waves that are unsurvivable? Massive ocean life die-off due to coral bleaching? Fires like in Greece and Australia … massive coastal flooding, etc.," they asked.

They noted that some projections for the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or the system of currents in the Atlantic Ocean that brings warm water north and cold water south, have moved up to as soon as 2050 instead of the end of the century, potentially resulting in untold climate impacts. 

"If this happens, we would possibly be looking at [the end of the world as we know it] in around 25 years...if we're lucky," they said. "Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is how to prepare our kids for growing up in a world where this is increasingly a reality."

While experts seem skeptical of the AMOC failing by the middle of the century, the issue of human-driven pollution contributing to more unpredictable and dangerous weather patterns is still a concern. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration expects 2024 to be the hottest year on record, and it seems like a new temperature record is set every day. These rising temperatures fueled by burning dirty energy sources have supercharged extreme weather events, including hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires.

One prepper has recommended learning practical skills and packing basic tools to prepare for an increasingly turbulent reality. Another showed how you could pack a survival kit in a repurposed pill bottle, which serves a dual purpose in preventing plastic from contaminating the environment.

Commenters and the original poster offered their strategies.

🗣️ What supplies do you keep on hand in case of a blackout?

🔘 Just a flashlight 🔦

🔘 A few camping lanterns 😎

🔘 A full-on emergency kit 🆘

🔘 I don't have anything 🤷

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

"Goats are the ultimate animal prep, imo. Milk, cheese, meat, hide producers, lawnmowers, weed conquerors, garden scrap converters, amazing compost makers. Our goats have helped us terraform 2.5 acres into something pretty incredible," the OP said.

"Do the same as now, acquire food — local and in season. Adapt to new foods that are available, and forget those that are gone," one wrote.

"I have been practicing growing my own food, particularly dried beans and squash. You can grow them and save the seed and replant every year. This is a great skill to have!" another user added

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