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Off-grid homeowners share creative solutions for common hurdle of cabin living — here's what they recommend

If you're living off the grid, you're going to run into difficult circumstances.

If you’re living off the grid, you’re going to run into difficult circumstances.

Photo Credit: iStock

If you're living off the grid, you're going to run into difficult circumstances. Thankfully, there are many people doing the same who have experience solving all manner of problems.

One Redditor found a number of avenues to explore when they asked about keeping their hair clean.

"I live in a dry cabin during the summer and while I love it I cannot figure out the bathing situation," the poster wrote. "The county won't let us dig a well because we're on a big lake and there are water table issues. We're working on getting a tank system set up, but until we can do that, does anyone have tips for bathing in a dry cabin?"

The OP noted she has long hair and couldn't wash it in the lake because of the smell. Last year, she washed it in a bowl.

There were dozens of responses, and many pointed out everything starts with collecting water from rain, a spring, or other sources. After that, various users said they employed solar shower bags, buckets with battery-powered pumps and heaters, and tubs or basins.

For comfort and ease of use, a couple of commenters' recommendations stood out.

One wrote about filling their camp shower bag almost full before adding a kettle or two of hot water. It did, however, take them two years to iron out how to finish their bathing before they ran out of water that was an acceptable temperature.

Another said they rigged a pulley system to transport heated water from their stove to a bathtub. They used a raised bucket with an attached shower head to enjoy a gravity-led shower at times and then upgraded to a 20-gallon tank with an electric pump, which they said was enough to keep any visitors happy.

Other users touted outdoor bathing, hyping hot rainwater showers as "the best!" and a fire-heated bath as "glorious."

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"The water is so pure and clean," the rainwater adherent wrote, noting their brother said his hair felt unsoiled for the first time in years after washing up.

The second Redditor shared how memorable it was to bathe in a tub in a thicket of trees at a bush camp, saying, "Nothing quite like it."

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