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Tenant confused after returning home to unacceptable 'repair' by landlord: 'Contact your local fire marshal'

"You might want to inform your landlord that this is against fire code."

"You might want to inform your landlord that this is against fire code."

Photo Credit: iStock

To one unfortunate Redditor's surprise, their landlord's microwave repair meant creating a red flag for the local fire marshal

Instead of fixing the appliance or replacing it with a new one, the post shows that the landlord simply plugged it into a surge protector — and attached the surge protector to a cabinet handle.

"You might want to inform your landlord that this is against fire code."
Photo Credit: Reddit
"You might want to inform your landlord that this is against fire code."
Photo Credit: Reddit

The post is an example of cutting corners that makes the OP's kitchen use difficult and creates a fire hazard, as many in the comments noticed. For example, if they open the cabinet door attached to the surge protector, that dangling cord may drop on a hot stove

Plus, the landlord never addressed the issue with the appliance but took it upon themself to unplug everything from the surge protector. As the OP states, "Cherry on top is that he unplugged all my s*** (yes the power bar was in use!). Had my Christmas tree and lamps plugged [in]." 

If the microwave surge is causing the issue, and it hasn't been fixed, it is capable of further damaging outlets and even causing electrical fires.

What happened to the OP is an example of ways some landlords prevent eco-friendly adjustments that could benefit renters. If the OP's landlord had replaced the microwave with a more efficient one, it not only would reduce the likelihood of surges, but save on energy bills and help the environment. A homeowner can save about 30% on their utility bills by upgrading to certified products that meet requirements for the Energy Star label. 

Other environmentally friendly updates include installing dual-flush toilets that save water and solar panels and induction stoves that reduce the use of dirty fuels. Renters and HOA residents whose green lifestyles are held back by landlords and other authorities may want to use TCD's HOA guide to speak to them.

One person advised: "You might want to inform your landlord that this is against fire code. … Or you could just contact your local fire marshal with your concerns."

Another added, "Tell him to pay an electrician to fix the outlet behind the microwave or you'll withhold rent to have it done on his behalf. … [But] look into your state laws on withholding rent before actually doing it."

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As someone else mentioned: "I wouldn't be surprised if the draw from that microwave tripped the power strip."

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