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Local shares stunning photos of urban meadow untouched by city landscapers: 'I bet the bugs [and] birds love it'

"I hope that this is a lawn with the official status of a meadow lawn which by law cannot be mowed."

"I hope that this is a lawn with the official status of a meadow lawn which by law cannot be mowed."

Photo Credit: iStock

Urban landscapes are often inundated with concrete, metal, and hazy pollution. Those qualities aren't exactly pillars of biodiversity. Finding a lush meadow in a city is a rarity — one that deserves to be captured, celebrated, and protected.

One city-dwelling nature lover recently posted photos of a local lush urban meadow on an anti-lawn subreddit, highlighting the impact of the untouched area on local pollinators, insects, and wildlife.

"I hope that this is a lawn with the official status of a meadow lawn which by law cannot be mowed."
Photo Credit: Reddit
v"I hope that this is a lawn with the official status of a meadow lawn which by law cannot be mowed."
Photo Credit: Reddit

In the post, the Redditor documented the "beautiful meadow lawn which has not yet been reached by lawnmowers" in Moscow. The urban meadow features thriving greenery, bright purple wildflowers, and native trees. 

"I bet the bugs [and] birds love it," one Redditor commented on the post. In response, the original poster painted a picture of how beneficial native plant life can be when left to thrive.

"There are quite a lot of grasshoppers there — they chirp very beautifully — and many others, bumblebees, butterflies, and sometimes [honey] bees," the poster wrote. "I hope that this is a lawn with the official status of a meadow lawn which by law cannot be mowed. It will be sad if all this grass is mowed down."

Meadows worldwide are disappearing due to agriculture, urban development, climate change, and human intervention. To help revitalize local areas, residents are swapping manicured grass lawns for meadows filled with native plant life — and the benefits are worth noting. 

Switching to a natural lawn is a great way to save money and time on lawn maintenance. It's also a way to lower your water bill, as native plant life is accustomed to thriving in local weather conditions. Native lawns can also create a healthier ecosystem for local pollinators and help reduce air pollution, enrich your yard's soil, and support biodiversity in your neighborhood. 

Even if you aren't ready to fully rewild your yard, a partial lawn replacement can help you reap the benefits of native plant life — while also helping local wildlife thrive. 

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