Finding hacks to save money on your monthly bills is a great way to stretch your budget. Unplugging electronics and cleaning your dishwasher are just a couple of examples. One father on TikTok shared one easy way he saves money on his electric bill.
The scoop
Runza (@doitmyselfrunza) is a British dad and DIY wiz who shares how-tos for big and small fixes around the home. In one video shared on TikTok, he explained one of the easiest ways to cut back your electric bill. Â
@doitmyselfrunza Energy saving tip part 1/5 - LED bulbs are the easiest of changes to make. #diy #energy #electricity #moneysaving #money #bills #HolidayModeActivated ♬ Epic Emotional - AShamaluevMusic
The clip is part one of several videos discussing the numerous ways to curb your energy usage. In this video, Runza explains that switching to LED bulbs uses 85% less energy than classic halogen bulbs. "You can save £2-£3 ($3-$4) a year off of every halogen bulb you replace with an LED one," he says. Runza also explains that if 28 million homes in the U.K. opted for LED bulbs, it could save 1.6 million tons of carbon emissions.
How it's working
Swapping out your lightbulbs will save you money on your electric bill. These days, LED bulbs are cheaper than halogen bulbs. A four-pack of LEDs can be found at Home Depot for $10, while two halogen bulbs cost the same amount on Amazon.
Runza's facts seem to come from the Energy Saving Trust in the U.K. They write, "If all 28 million homes in Britain switched to 100% LED bulbs, we could save 1.7 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually."
As halogen lights fall out of favor, the possibility of all U.K. homes using LEDs becomes more likely. We are already on our way to the majority of households in the U.S. using LEDs, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 47% of homes are using the energy-efficient bulb.
What people are saying
Folks on TikTok seem to already be using LEDs in their homes. One person wrote, "I have them in every room they're great."
Someone else said, "Yep, typically a 60W Traditional Halogen bulb is 6W equivalent LED, no brainier! Change them and save ££&'s"
Another person recommended: "The ikea smart bulbs are good, got mine about £4 each (was a membership deal at the time) work just as well as Philips bulbs at less of the cost."
Saving money and reducing your carbon footprint? What's not to like about LEDs?
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