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5 crucial warnings for beginner and experienced gardeners alike

"Weed fabric is a total waste of time and money."

"Weed fabric is a total waste of time and money."

Photo Credit: iStock

Gardening is a great hobby, whether you're growing food or simply maintaining a healthy lawn. No matter if you're a beginner or experienced gardener, you'll want to know these warning signs to ensure the health of your garden and the surrounding ecosystems. 

1. Weed fabric

"Do yourself a favor, and don't invest in this stuff."
Photo Credit: iStock

Removing weeds may be one of the most tedious and annoying aspects of gardening, and you might be tempted to lay down landscaping fabric to control them. Heed the warning of a former landscaper, though: "Weed fabric is a total waste of time and money."

Not only is it a waste of plastic, but the weeds end up growing on top of the fabric even if they don't grow under it. You're much better off plucking the weeds yourself.

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2. Identifying native plants

"This is a lot more complex than people make it out to be."
Photo Credit: TikTok

We've all heard that native plants are ideal for lower maintenance and healthier ecosystems, but one plant expert warned that identifying native plants might be harder than it seems.

Unfortunately, there is no standardized definition of a native plant, and garden centers and nurseries tend to use the term broadly, referring to entire regions rather than specific cities or counties.

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3. Soil health

"These are great tips."
Photo Credit: TikTok

One garden consultant posted a warning on social media about ensuring healthy soil for your garden. Their tips included avoiding synthetic fertilizers, bug sprays, weed killers, and wood mulch.

Though the first three tips are the most common, the consultant stressed that wood mulch can slow the growth of your garden. They suggested replacing it with straw mulch that promotes soil health while effectively retaining moisture and suppressing weeds.

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4. Mint

"I fear I have unleashed a great plague.
Photo Credit: iStock

Planting herbs for use in the kitchen is incredibly popular, especially because they are often low-maintenance and fast-growing options. However, one gardener took to Reddit to warn others about the dangers of mint, particularly that it can grow out of control.

The best way to avoid a mint invasion is to plant the herb in its own pot. That way, it doesn't spread into all corners of your garden.

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5. Ivy

"I've been fighting it in our backyard."
Photo Credit: Reddit

A Reddit thread titled "Ivy- yay or nay" sparked a debate, with the original poster seeking advice on whether ivy is worth planting to have a green yard. The comments were heavy on the nay. Several people warned that ivy is invasive and nearly impossible to get rid of.

Commenters also explained that the leafy plant can attract all types of unwanted critters, from mosquitoes to yellowjackets and even rats. The general consensus was to opt for a native lawn instead.

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