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This free tool could help you score $14,000 to remodel your home — here's how to cash in

This bill will help homeowners, businesses, and cities save thousands of dollars.

This bill will help homeowners, businesses, and cities save thousands of dollars.

Photo Credit: iStock

Sustainability just got easier. Here's how to save big on home upgrades.

The scoop

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is giving homeowners thousands of dollars in rebates to make climate-friendly upgrades to their homes. With over $350 billion in grants, tax credits and incentives, construction investments, and more, this bill will help homeowners, businesses, and cities save thousands of dollars and the planet. 

Rewiring America has its Incentive Calculator to help you calculate exactly how much you can save on upgrades like solar panels, heat pumps, and new windows. It should only take a few minutes — simply answer a few questions, like whether you rent or own, and the free tool will show you the many ways you can save.

🗣️ How much money do you plan to spend on home improvement projects this year?

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How it's working

The Inflation Reduction Act can cover a ton of home upgrades, like a new washer or dryer, electric stoves, weatherization upgrades, and even a discount on electric vehicles. You can remodel your home and save thousands of dollars doing so.

Electrifying your home is a great way to reduce carbon pollution — in fact, it's one of the biggest ways you can reduce your carbon footprint. According to the International Energy Agency, "electrification is one of the most important strategies for reducing CO2 emissions from energy in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, where the majority of emissions reductions from electrification come from the shift toward electric transport and the installation of heat pumps."

What people are saying

This money-saving, planet-aiding act is monumental, and it's generating a lot of talk.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury called the Inflation Reduction Act "the largest investment in reducing carbon pollution in U.S. history."

It's a step in the right direction. "[The IRA and similar policies] don't just make sense for the environment and for the future of the planet. They make good economic sense for Americans today and in the future," a Treasury policy report said.

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