In an amusing turn of events, an illegal dumper was summoned back to the scene of their crime in a surprisingly clever way.
In a YouTube video, user Andy Didorosi documents how they and their friend stumbled upon a heap of trash that was illegally dumped on a public road.
As they sifted through the heap and found various mementos, it became clear that the trash was from someone's residence. Eventually, Didorosi found documents that contained a phone number.
After calling the number, Didorosi made a surprising discovery: The person who technically "owned" the trash had no idea it had been dumped. They had simply hired some workers from Thumbtack to clean out their mother's old garage. The workers said that they were taking the trash to the dump, but instead, they dumped it "on the road in public in Detroit" (as Didorosi quips in the video).
Rather than just report the incident, Didorosi decided to take matters into their own hands and FaceTime the driver. When the driver answered, Didorosi first stated that they "needed a clean-up job done" because "some guys rolled up in a U-Haul and dumped a bunch of stuff." They then turned the camera around to show the driver the very pile of trash that they had dumped.
The driver was quiet, clearly stunned to see the pile of trash that they dumped. Didorosi then cheekily asked, "How much to clean this up?" before encouraging their viewers to watch Part 2 of the adventure.
The video's comment section was full of support for Didorosi. It showed how illegal dumping is a widespread problem, from Texas all the way across the pond to the United Kingdom. As a result, many commenters related to and reveled in Didorosi's clever trap.
One person commented, "That happened to my step daughter! Hired a guy, he dumped illegally. Cops found it and questioned her! She told [them] who she hired, he got arrested and charged $1,000 for littering."
"I love how he went from enthusiastic to have a clean up job to trying to back down once he saw where they were," shared another.
🗣️ Should the government be allowed to restrict how much water we use?
🔘 Definitely 💯
🔘 Only during major droughts 🏜️
🔘 No way 🙅
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One commenter even got more colorful in their language due to their sheer delight. They said, "Oh thumbtack. Calling him to offer him his own clean up job was EVIL GENIUS S***."
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