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Dad demonstrates simple tip that can slash your high energy bills: 'It's a really easy fix'

"This just reminded me … I should go change mine."

"This just reminded me ... I should go change mine."

Photo Credit: Instagram

Keeping your appliances running at maximum efficiency is one of the best ways to keep your utility bills down. One parent on Instagram demonstrated a surprisingly easy way to change out the filter on your HVAC system. 

The scoop

Shaun Frey (@ownitdad) shares content about parenting as well as tips for DIY tasks around your home. In one clip, Shaun shows viewers that "it's a really easy fix" to swap out the filter in your furnace to make sure "you have clean air to breathe in your home."

To change your filter, start by finding the access panel in your furnace or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit. Frey says it is typically easy to find; their panel is on the side of the unit and slides open. 

Once you have located your furnace filter, "just yank that old filter out; it doesn't matter if it breaks," the creator says. The numbers along the side indicate the type of filter you will need. 

To install the new filter, check your vent orientation for the direction the air flows. The arrow on your new filter should match this direction and point toward the furnace.

Slide your new filter into place and close the access panel — you have successfully changed your HVAC filter. 

How it's working

Heating and cooling account for a large percentage of your monthly bills; according to Perch Energy, it could be as much as 50%. Taking efforts to increase the efficiency of your machines can save you hundreds of dollars annually. Turning up the thermostat in the summer can lower your cooling costs by 3% per degree.

"Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5% to 15%," the Department of Energy writes.

All these efforts can make a big difference for your budget. Another way to help your home run more efficiently is to invest in weatherizing — try an affordable DIY trick or look into government incentives

🗣️ How often do you change your AC filters?

🔘 Every month 📆

🔘 Every 3-6 months 🕰️

🔘 Once a year 🤷

🔘 I'm supposed to change those? 😬

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What people are saying

Homeowners on Instagram were thankful for the reminder to keep up with their furnace maintenance. 

"This just reminded me it's probably been 6 months and I should go change mine," one person wrote. 

Someone else added, "Just cleaned my air conditioner filter today."

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