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The government will pay you up to $8,000 to upgrade your HVAC — this simple tool will show you how

Heat pumps are energy efficiency champions, providing more heating and cooling power than their electricity consumption.

Heat pumps are energy efficiency champions, providing more heating and cooling power than their electricity consumption.

Photo Credit: iStock

Imagine slashing your energy bills while giving your home an eco-friendly upgrade.

Sound too good to be true? Enter the heat pump — your ticket to year-round comfort and serious savings.

What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is an HVAC superhero that both heats and cools your home.

Unlike traditional systems that generate heat, heat pumps are master movers. They transfer warmth inside from the outdoors during winter and reverse the process to keep you cool in summer. It's like having a magician that can pull heat out of thin air.

💡Save thousands with a heat pump

A heat pump can save you thousands of dollars in heating and cooling costs — but first you have to find the right installer at the right price.

Use EnergySage's free tool today to find local options, compare prices, and see how much you can save.


EnergySage | Heat Pumps

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Why are heat pumps important?

Heat pumps are energy efficiency champions, providing more heating and cooling power than their electricity consumption. That means lower utility bills for you.

By using electricity instead of traditional energy sources, heat pumps significantly reduce your home's environmental impact. It's an easy way to make a positive difference without breaking a sweat.

How heat pumps help you save money and energy

Ready for the best part? Uncle Sam wants you to make the switch.

The Inflation Reduction Act is dishing out some serious perks for heat pump adopters. You could be eligible for a tax credit of up to $2,000 for installing a heat pump. Even better, households might score a rebate of up to $8,000, depending on their income level. 

But the savings don't stop there. Heat pumps outperform traditional HVAC systems in energy efficiency, meaning you'll see lower energy bills month after month.

Plus, you're getting two appliances in one. Say goodbye to separate heating and cooling systems.

Making the switch: Easier than you think

Worried about the upfront cost? Don't sweat it.

While heat pumps typically range from $4,000 to $8,000, those government incentives can cut that price tag in half or more. And remember, you'll save on energy bills for years to come.

Ready to explore your options? Check out EnergySage's heat pump marketplace. They'll help you compare deals in your area and navigate those sweet rebate options. It's your one-stop shop for making a smart, money-saving choice for your home and the environment.

Join the heat pump revolution and start building a cooler (or warmer) future — one that's kinder to both your bank account and the planet we call home.

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