A gardener on Reddit received valuable advice and warnings after getting into the weeds with their struggling garden beds. They shared their frustrating battle with the r/gardening subreddit.
They began by writing that they cleared the space in the spring and "tilled the area, raked up all grass and plant matter, leveled, put landscape fabric and wood chips down, and built the beds." They removed the landscape fabric before filling the 1.5-foot-tall beds.
!["Is there anything I can [do]?"](https://www.thecooldown.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/killing-weeds-grass-under-wood-chips-v0-h6de9twsc39c1-copy-1.jpg?w=640)
Unfortunately, weed and grass are flourishing below the wood chips layer, they said. The fact that this is occurring in December is concerning. "I am dreading what spring will bring," they admitted in a follow-up. The OP asked the community how best to proceed.
They hinted at herbicides by asking the following question: "Is there anything I can spray to kill everything growing under the wood chips but also won't mess with the garden beds?"
They were also "debating" more time-consuming solutions such as removing the wood chips and using landscape fabrics or cardboard instead. They conceded that they "really don't have the time and would like to avoid doing that."
Redditors steered them straight on a couple of things. One was the ineffectiveness of landscape fabrics. A poster suggested that the OP "search the sub for anyone's post history" for confirmation. There are ample stories about how weeds get past the barriers and the resulting labor-intensive cleanup. Worse, landscape fabrics are frequently made of plastic, which means they can leak microplastics.
Another big no-no was using herbicides so close to the garden. Multiple posters discouraged them, which likely has to do with the possible risks of products such as Roundup if they contaminate produce or harm nearby plant life.
So what did the community suggest? Cardboard got some nods, though there was debate about its durability and maintenance.
One very helpful user laid out all the options and noted the hard truth that the OP "will be battling weeds your entire gardening life." They offered up cardboard first after dismissing herbicides. They then proposed the "easiest" solution, which was to "replace the mulch with rocks, get a propane garden torch, and just spend 10 min a week burning the weeds."
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Lastly, they offered the long-term option of putting in a plant that could outcompete weeds. They said that in their garden, their "weed time will drastically reduce" after a few years.
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