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Gardener shares game-changing solution to effortlessly remove weeds with zero tools: 'It's actually this easy'

"Do this and it works."

"Do this and it works."

Photo Credit: Instagram

Weeds have gotten a bit of a bad reputation. If you learn to work with them instead of against them, it might just change your life. And one gardener is here to help you learn how it's done.

The scoop

Seb (@solitary.acres), permaculture gardener and TikToker, instructs followers how to do just that. "It's actually this easy," he wrote in the caption.

In the video, Seb showcases a huge patch of weeds in the garden, suggesting that most people's instincts are to grab a shovel and get to work. Alas, there is a better way.

Seb says the first step is to crimp the weeds to the ground. Then, you cover them with compost and add mulch on top. 

The mulch blocks the sun, killing the annual weeds and stopping them from germinating while creating a new bed of soil. Seb notes that this trick won't work for weeds with rhizomes or perennial weeds, such as Bermuda grass. The suggestion is to use cardboard over Bermuda grass.

"I look at it and I see fertility. I see biomass that just got grown for me," Seb says. "Instead of seeing that as a problem, see that actually as a solution."

How it's helping

Gardening and growing your own food saves money, minimizes waste, and literally brings you joy. A University of Colorado study found that those who garden are happier than those who don't due to increased fiber intake and physical activity.

So if you see someone in their garden and they look happier than ever, it's because they truly are. There's so much to smile about when you have a garden. Not only does your food taste better, but it's healthier since you can grow your fruits and vegetables without harmful pesticides and fertilizers commonly used by farms for mass production. 

You can eat with a calming peace of mind, which explains why a Singapore study found that those who garden are more optimistic with a higher self-esteem. Mental health and good food for the win.

Gardening is rewarding in so many ways. It also reduces demand for store-bought produce, which uses problematic packaging and travels thousands of miles, leaving a trail of dirty energy resources behind. Yards have always been a point of pride, but it doesn't always have to be about how green it is. Start growing today.

What people are saying

Seb's weed hack was met with apprehension and inspiration. Super active in the comments, Seb responded to all of those who were wary and reassured them it was worth the effort.

"Do this and it works. Learned from my mom who learned from her grandmother," a TikToker wrote with their stamp of approval.

"BLESS YOUR GIVING SOUL," wrote a second.

"Exactly... people need to work with nature instead of against it," another agreed.

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