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Gardener shares fall planting PSA for beautiful, flowering garden next spring: 'Definitely waiting until sweater weather'

"Buy now for maximum variety selection — plant later when it's really sweater weather."

"Buy now for maximum variety selection — plant later when it's really sweater weather."

Photo Credit: Instagram

According to expert gardeners, now's the time to start working on your garden for next spring. 

Planting bulbs in the fall is a tried and true strategy for ensuring healthy and vibrant plants in the springtime. 

The scoop

Atlanta-based gardener Michelle (@everydaygardeningtips) shared an Instagram video explaining when she buys and plants bulbs. 

She stocks up on bulbs in the early fall while the selection is good but then waits until nighttime temperatures are in the 40s and 50s to plant them. 

The best time to plant bulbs depends on your plant hardiness zone. Where Michelle lives, she typically starts around Thanksgiving. 

"Here in Atlanta, the latest I've planted is mid-January, because I forgot about a stash I had squirreled away," Michelle wrote in the video's caption. "Basically, what I'm trying to say is: Buy now for maximum variety selection — plant later when it's really sweater weather."

How it's helping

Michelle's hack is useful because it offers gardeners a timeline to consider for their own plants. 

With knowledge about the right time of the year to plant new bulbs, gardeners can grow healthy and thriving gardens to grow food and support local pollinators

Her hack is also inspiring because gardening is one of the healthiest hobbies you can pursue. Growing plants at home encourages physical activity and promotes mental health by boosting gardeners' sense of optimism and resilience. 

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Meanwhile, growing your own food is a wonderful way to save money on grocery bills while minimizing food waste and reducing pollution. 

What people are saying

Michelle's Instagram followers appreciated this tip and shared about their bulb-planting experiences. 

"Great tips!" one user wrote in the comments. "Definitely waiting until sweater weather as well. I have a tradition of planting on or right around Thanksgiving, and I'm in the Boston area."

An Instagrammer commented, "I just picked up all of my Allium bulbs and stored them away! Anxiously waiting a little bit longer to plant them." 

"Last year, I planted all my spring bulbs around Thanksgiving and put a small rock over each to deter the squirrels and remind myself where I planted," another person wrote. 

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