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This company is helping customers save $10,000 on solar panels — here's how

EnergySage will not only help you find providers, it will also help you take advantage of state and federal incentives for your installation.

EnergySage will not only help you find providers, it will also help you take advantage of state and federal incentives for your installation.

Photo Credit: iStock

There are many home upgrades that can save you money in the long run, and solar panels are at the top of the list. By generating tons of free energy throughout their lifespans, solar setups pay for themselves and then some.

But solar panels do require an upfront investment, which is where a company such as EnergySage — "the Expedia of solar panels" — can be so helpful in determining the best service at the best price.

What is EnergySage?

While it's a major help to households looking for solar panels, EnergySage isn't a solar panel installer. Instead, it's a site you can use to locate and compare the installers in your area.

EnergySage fully vets solar installers (and other contractors that make affordable and eco-friendly upgrades to your home, including heat pump installation). It then lists them in one place, with transparent pricing and all the information you need to compare apples to apples.

Why is EnergySage's help important?

Installing solar panels is one of the biggest steps you can take to cut costs in your home. Generating your own electricity will slash your energy bills, with annual savings up to $1,500. Depending on where you live and your solar setup, you might even make money back by selling power to the grid.

With EnergySage's help, the average household saves almost $10,000 on solar panel installation, according to its website. EnergySage will not only help you find providers — it will also help you take advantage of state and federal incentives for your installation.

As an added bonus, switching to clean energy sources like solar cuts pollution from power plants and contributes to a healthier environment today and in the future. And EnergySage is helping to make it happen one roof at a time.

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