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Homeowner shares concerning photo of their landscaping blunder: 'I would be more concerned about your trees'

"Dyed mulch is one of the greatest horticultural atrocities known to man."

"Dyed mulch is one of the greatest horticultural atrocities known to man."

Photo Credit: iStock

Mulch can be a great addition to your lawn. It can make it look nice and save you money, but you have to be sure you are using the right kind of mulch. 

One Redditor made a mistake with their mulch, and it's got a lot of people talking. 

"Dyed mulch is one of the greatest horticultural atrocities known to man."
Photo Credit: Reddit

A homeowner posted a photo of their lawn in the r/landscaping subreddit of dark mulch at the corner of their property. The Redditor titled the post: "Have I made a mistake? Worried about this mulch bleeding into the neighbor's yard." 

The picture shows some rocks that block off a section of dark mulch with trees. The mulch is so dark that the commenters expect it could be dyed mulch, which is not good to use. 

Dyed mulch harms your yard by removing nutrients from the soil and stealing them from the plants. According to Ohio State University professor Dr. Harry Hoitink: "Dyed mulches are especially deadly when used around young plants and in newer landscapes."

Another issue the homeowner should be aware of is volcano mulching, where the mulch is piled up against the tree. It is unhealthy for the trees because it can cause disease and stem rot. 

For a healthier alternative to dyed mulch, you could try mulching your leaves. Instead of bagging them, you can get a mulching mower to turn your leaves into compost. 

You could also opt for a natural lawn, which will save you money and time.

Users had a lot to say in the comments section about the mulch the homeowner used. 

One Redditor said: "Dyed mulch is one of the greatest horticultural atrocities known to man."

Another commented: "I would be more concerned about your trees, get the mulch off the trunk and root crowns, really important."

One had advice for the original poster: "It isn't good for trees, shrubs, or fences to have mulch piled against them. Pull the mulch back from the plants and from the fence." 

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